Search results

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    Dog Karen (Update)

    @teresita123 Yeah the dude was crazy. I was walking my dog in the neighborhood and he thought I was letting the dog poop in someone's yard. Not his yard, another person..He started screaming at me until my dog got defensive. Then I walked home to find him following me. I took his pic, and his...
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    Time to leave?

    @lovey23 Sorry I missed the hourly wage. Yeah, that seems like something that is going to have to be worked out with the vet staff. If they require those things, they need to be reminding the clients to update them. Especially if the client has already paid for the service in advance. It doesn't...
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    Time to leave?

    @lovey23 You require a fecal and a physical before every groom or the dog must have had a recent physical and fecal exam? If it's the latter, that's not really excessive. Most of these items are things dogs are supposed to have anyway. My dogs get a physical and a fecal exam twice a year. They...
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    Dog Karen (Update)

    @teresita123 yeah I figured. I had someone follow me home once and when I called the police they just told me to keep his info in case something else happened. I was like ok, the info will be in my wallet when he murders me O⁠_⁠o
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    I cannot believe the condition she was in

    @denise85 Yes I'm aware. There are no ethical doodle breeders because breeding mutts isn't ethical in the first place.
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    Has the corporate route been more challenging for anyone else?

    @light88 I'll be honest and say if you don't want to call people to get your books up, corporate is probably not for you. You'll be doing that even as a groomer during slow seasons.
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    Dog Karen (Update)

    @teresita123 Yikes, I would consider filing a restraining order if you can..That's a bit unhinged even for a Karen. It's so awful that people do not respect boundaries and then wonder why so many people are leaving the service industries.
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    Hypermobile joints mean I can't be on my feet for more than 3 hrs - would a job dog grooming still be possible?

    @theberlintall I worked with a groomer that had a weight limit and groomed sitting down. She still had to participate in all the other functions of a salon like laundry, cleaning, standing to bath and to dry. Even small dogs can struggle and cause issues. You will need to work in a place willing...
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    I cannot believe the condition she was in

    @gary987 They are breeding this dog at a year old? No competitions, no shows, no proving the dog at all? No health tests which usually can't be performed until the dog has fully finished growing? Sounds like a back yard breeder with extra steps. Breeding a dog at that age is going to shorten the...
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    How to apologize to my groomer for an accidental no-call no-show?

    @aazae17 I would take drinks over food because I usually have a second to grab a drink but often can't sit down and eat and I don't eat around the dogs in case they have behavioral issues around food. Accidents happen and I'm sure your groomer will understand. Most of the time if you see people...
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    Severe matting

    @flynn The least painful way is to have them shaved off and start again. There is no painless way to brush out matting and you are just damaging already damaged fur more. Compassionate groomers aren't going to tell you to put your dog through the pain of dematting.
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    PSA to men who ask us groomers if they can get a haircut too, please stop. It’s creepy

    @bonitadan Let's also lose the comments about needing a good scrub when they come pick up their bath dogs. *barf*
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    How do you quit?

    @gentleminh I used to give "110%" at every job. I've been working since I was 14. After seeing people less qualified, promoted or given jobs I was already unofficially doing, I said screw that. Companies earn loyalty they don't get it automatically and there are very few companies that seem to...
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    Okay to shave?

    @pic_2727 No need to shave this dog. If it's too hot outside for you, it's too hot outside for your dog. Keep the dog inside when the temperature climbs. When it's warm outside make sure there is shade and easy access to water if your dog is out with you. Check pavement before allowing your dog...
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    How do you quit?

    @gentleminh My current situation will not allow me to keep working here and spend the time on my family goals. I appreciate the time and experiences I've had here. My last day will be xxx. Sincerely, you. You don't need to go into detail in a resignation letter. Most of the time, they don't...
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    Am I Overreacting?

    @wharley send them the legal requirements for dog vaccines and then send them a link to how much post exposure rabies shots are. Get in writing that your boss will cover those costs if you get bit.
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    What customer comments made you want to literally reach across the counter and slap someone?

    @brandilynn17 Go to the snuggle fabric section (flannel)! They usually have the same patterns as the quilting cotton and it's cheaper. And soft! You can still use pinking shears on it too!
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    PSA: Affordable grooming shears is just drop shipping razorline's products

    @levanthai oh I totally agree with you, just pointing out that they aren't drop shipping. Seems they are just flat out lying if they aren't creating the shears. that's bad
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    Discounts / Package deals ??

    @itsthatislandgirl I wouldn't. You are already not charging them for matting that's a discount. You might mention that they are already getting that for free. If they want to save money, they can come in less often as someone else said. They are taking a spot in your schedule. If they don't take...
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    Would you..

    @mccra76 Nope. That's a liability waiting to happen. The dog gets sent home and told if they want to return they must have a written clean bill of health from a vet. Any open wounds, discharge etc should be sent to a vet.