How to apologize to my groomer for an accidental no-call no-show?


New member
Hi y’all! I am not a groomer, but I do take my dog to get groomed at a local fear free groomer (very important as he is a nervous boy). The other night I had a flare up of some stomach issues and stayed up really late with the pain, and just completely slept through my 9am appointment for him on Friday. They texted me while I was still sleeping, and I texted back at around 9:40 apologizing and asking what the no-show fee was, but haven’t gotten a reply yet.

I feel so terrible, and am wondering what would be nice to bring to the groomers as an apology? I was thinking two dozen assorted donuts (I have no idea how many employees they have but I’d rather go over than under, donut wise) and a heartfelt apology in person today. Please let me know if you have any advice or insight on what a dog groomer might like! Maybe add some fancy treats for the canine clients?

Edit: THANK YOU SO MUCH EVERYONE!! I got it rescheduled for a Sunday in mid-October (so I have my whole family home to wake me up OR take him if something crazy happens again) and I texted asking if anyone wanted coffee, donuts, or other sweet treats that day. Y’all are right, I would feel guilty bringing something and having a dog swipe it, or them not having a chance to eat it! I’m also gonna leave a very generous tip. This was only my third session with them, but I really love the work they do and the behavior updates, so I really don’t wanna become “that client”. I’ll also pick up some fancy dog treats since I know the groomers bring their own dogs to work pretty often, so everyone gets a treat. Thank you again!!!
@aazae17 Groomers always take food. And they maybe just haven’t had a chance to get back to you. I would reiterate that you would be happy to pay a no show fee and offer to pay before you reschedule.
@aazae17 Always food and/or Starbucks. Call me up, apologize, and ask when a quiet time would be to stop by. Offer to pay their no show fee (chances are they’ll waive it since you offered, I do, especially if food is involved.) and bring donuts, crumble cookie, Starbucks, gift cards, literally anything we can eat or contains caffeine. We’re very simple people, we survive on junk food!

Hope you’re feeling better! I have chronic illness and I keep a list of clients who do as well (if they tell me or I suspect) and I plan ahead for those clients. I know which ones are likely to no show or cancel last minute and try to give them leeway until it’s abused.
@aazae17 I think anything is a kind gesture. But instead of donuts (because e we never have time to eat and they’ll be stale) maybe ask their coffee order or some snacks that won’t be gross by the end of the day :)
@jcmcdowall I have a supervisor that will always send up gift cards to Crumbl, the fancy cookie place, and I hate being rude to my boss obviously, but I just cannot eat that sweet, sweet trash.
@aazae17 I would take drinks over food because I usually have a second to grab a drink but often can't sit down and eat and I don't eat around the dogs in case they have behavioral issues around food. Accidents happen and I'm sure your groomer will understand. Most of the time if you see people complaining about no shows it's a recurring thing not a one off. Especially if you've been seeing this groomer for a while.
@aazae17 I called and apologized and tipped mine basically half the bill on my next groom. So about 50-60 dollar tip.

It’s happened twice in two years. One was a reschedule from the groomer and I didn’t realize I confirmed a time also had a service appointment at my house. The groomer was super kind and I was able to get the dog in 20 minutes after his appointment time when they called me to ask if I was on my way.

The other time I got lost in the woods. 😐

My dog especially during adolescence was a frustrated greeter with dogs and a high energy dog. He was very good from grooming but I didn’t want him to excitable or anxious when I would drop him off so always exercised him and took him on a hike before his appointment to sniff and calm down. Well one of the appointments I got lost in the woods on a small trail, lost my keys, phone gps went out and had to back track and ended up a mile from my car. I felt horrible and probably sounded so dumb on the phone. I was like, “I am a mile from my car. If I run we can make it in the next 30 minutes!” This was thirty minutes after my appointment started since I didn’t have service. 😭
@aazae17 If this is your first time doing this, rescheduling and paying the no show fee is really all that you need to do (if they have a no show fee and should).. anything else is just a kindness but I would maybe do a starbucks giftcard if you really want to go above... some people are vegan/have allergies/are on diets so options is always nice in order to include everyone. even the people I know that don't love starbucks still have a go to order
@aazae17 No show fee is to cover the costs of miss appointments and guarantee the groomer still get compensated for loss of pay. Since most groomers make commission.

Just explain the situation and pay the no show fee with a tip. Food is always a great gesture. I aways personally loved homemade goods. I’ll take that over cash tip any day. It just feels nice that someone spent time and effort to create something yummy to share to show appreciation but that’s just me.
@aazae17 I would be happy with an extra tip of any kind, cash, gift card, etc. But honestly, you are going out of your way to do so. I can't count how many times people do not show, and I make $0 for that time slot & I maybe get an extra tip or 2 sometimes, but nothing as nice as you. Most of us only make money if you show up & our time definitely isn't as respected as it should be. So, thank you for being awesome
@aazae17 Hell I’d just be happy you offered to pay a fee. I constantly fight my clients on cancellations and rarely get offered anything at all.

Give them some time to respond, maybe text or call again Monday. I’m betting your groomer does not work weekends, and seeing as your appt was on a Friday, they may not have had time to respond to you by the end of the day Friday and don’t respond to clients on off days.
If you really want to give a little gift beyond money, I’d personally go with a gift card to somewhere. You never know peoples food preferences, a gift card to me is always a safe bet.
@aazae17 Literally anything, honestly. Ask them what they want, whether it’s a no show fee or something to drink or what have you. There are some days I’d probably start sobbing if a client brought me a single donut 🤣
@aazae17 I'd bring some sort of food and also coffee and apologize again in person. Stuff happens, and as long as you don't no show repeatedly they aren't going to see you as a bad client for it. That could've happened to anyone.
@aazae17 This happened to me once before. I had taken my toy poodle to her several times, about every 6-8 weeks over the course of a year. And I had set my alarm for PM instead of AM and slept through his appointment. I felt so bad as well and she told me it was okay. She was able to call in a client on the cancellation list so it wasn’t a total loss. She was able to fit me in and I left a bigger tip than what I normally do.
@aazae17 this randomly popped up on my timeline.. i do not own a dog and have never been to a dog groomer. just off of the header, i thought you meant the /bad/ type of groomer LMAO. i’m glad i took the time to read the entire post. 😅

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