Dog Karen (Update)


New member
Alright, for a little context, I'm a Christian and as such, I attend church on Sundays. So, as a general rule, I don't work or take calls on Sundays so that I can attend church and spend time with my family. Guess who bombarded my phone while I was at church Sunday? If you guessed Dog Karen, you would be correct. She was using her husband's phone since I had blocked her number. She filled up my voice-mail with messages demanding to know why I was ignoring her calls and of course, calling me several foul names. So, after church, I was left with no choice but to call her back. When I tried to explain that I was at church and that I don't work on Sundays, she cut me off with the classic, "I don't give a fk about your religion." She then proceeded to scream at me that it's unprofessional to ignore clients when they call and once again DEMAND that I groom her dog immediately or else she will ruin me and my business. When I tried to calmly explain that I don't work on Sundays for church and so I can be with my family, she responded with "Fk your family, I'm the client, my needs are more important!" At this point I was just SO done with her, especially since she insulted my family. All courtesy went out the window and I snapped back telling her that, no, she wasn't the client and nor would she EVER be. I then hung up in the middle of her screaming that I'm a s**t and blocked her husband's number. Honestly, now that she has harassed me three days in a row over the phone, and she supposedly lives in my town, I'm afraid she is going to find where I live because of my vehicle I use for my mobile service is parked out front and will just show up at my house.
@teresita123 Yikes, I would consider filing a restraining order if you can..That's a bit unhinged even for a Karen. It's so awful that people do not respect boundaries and then wonder why so many people are leaving the service industries.
@teresita123 yeah I figured. I had someone follow me home once and when I called the police they just told me to keep his info in case something else happened. I was like ok, the info will be in my wallet when he murders me O⁠_⁠o
@teresita123 Yeah the dude was crazy. I was walking my dog in the neighborhood and he thought I was letting the dog poop in someone's yard. Not his yard, another person..He started screaming at me until my dog got defensive. Then I walked home to find him following me. I took his pic, and his license and told him I was calling the cops. Never saw the guy again luckily but my upstairs neighbor started parking his work car out front a couple of times a week and he was a customs and border patrol officer so it was all good.
@teresita123 I thought you could file harassment charges even if it's not in person happenings. Like her calling for 3 days straight might be enough?

I would at least go down to your local pd and ask.