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  1. G

    Dog grooming help please!

    @sarahbethcole I only judge the people who habitually bring in matted dogs or the ones who make it evident that they don't care the dog is matted. I've had soo many people who bring in a matted dog because xyz and they feel bad and then make changes to their grooming routine. Life happens, we...
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    Should i shave down my dog?

    @jesusisyahweh Shave down to start over unless the groomer thinks otherwise since they will have a better idea of how bad it is. Dog clothes to stay warm outside but make sure you are brushing before and after the clothes come off since they can matt up a coat even more.
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    *URGENT* Please tell me Im not crazy and this isn't normal!?

    @ess 2 Week notice optional
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    Dog grooming help please!

    @sarahbethcole I only judge the people who habitually bring in matted dogs or the ones who make it evident that they don't care the dog is matted. I've had soo many people who bring in a matted dog because xyz and they feel bad and then make changes to their grooming routine. Life happens, we...
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    dO yOu hAvE OpEnInG fOr fLuFfy tOdAy oR tOmOrRoW?

    @stanley_4 Jesus there are sometimes when I'm booking an appointment just for an online to swoop in before I can enter in someone's phone number. It's ruthless out there.
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    I sort of miss corporate?

    @anniemarie No seriously, I was grooming 5-6 dogs at PS pretty comfortably and then switched to the other corporate store PC and it took me awhile to get back up to 5-6. It was embarrassing because I felt like I looked like a liar. I think part of it is you don't realize how used to that...
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    People are doodling everything

    @smithy60 I'll pray to the grooming dogs for you🙏
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    Petsmart or Petco or stay with PE?

    @timaeus Not arguing with you, PetSmart does lie a ton and I have seen people get held back from academy. Although usually it's because they were not ready. But 125 dogs isn't a lot. A typical fully trained bather does like 8-12 dogs a day but even doing an average of 5 dogs a day, you would...
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    Quality thinners feedback

    @roadtrippin69 I don't have those ones but I have the straights, curved, regular thinners, and chunkers from the set and absolutely love them all.
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    dO yOu hAvE OpEnInG fOr fLuFfy tOdAy oR tOmOrRoW?

    @aspiller1998 Oh God🙄 the "It'S aN eMerGeNcY!!!" As if they haven't been neglecting their dog for months. And they act like there's nothing they can do to help the dog cool off.
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    Quality thinners feedback

    @roadtrippin69 I have the Geib Black Pearls and LOVE them, I've also had good things about the kenchii Rose Gold set
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    Help w/thinners

    @sdb Control will mostly come from practice and proper form. I would look at training videos and try hard to match their hand position.
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    Dog gets extreme anxiety with grooming

    @vulcanlogician Are the baths helping with the skin injections and allergies? If you haven't already, try talking to your vet about light sedatives to calm her down and take her to a place that is ok with her being on them. One on one places might be better, so maybe a mobile groomer since they...
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    Truth about working as a bather at Petsmart

    @mike_l It depends on the private salon tbh. Private salons as a whole are very inconsistent, it's a total mixed bag. Some are great, some are straight awful. Even scrolling through this sub, you hear straight horror stories that happen at private salons. Anything bad you hear about corporate...
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    Truth about working as a bather at Petsmart

    @lindalou55 I definitely agree with you about the demands PetSmart has. They put WAY more stress on you, from my experience.
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    Truth about working as a bather at Petsmart

    @lindalou55 I think the money thing definitely depends on which store/area you are in either company you're with. PetSmart generally has higher base prices for that area and we usually charged higher than other PetSmarts in the region (we actually charged for things that took more time) the...
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    Truth about working as a bather at Petsmart

    @christiangirl30 I was commuting like an hour plus each day and got tired of it, especially when gas kept going up, my kid started school so I had to factor in more things. The Petco nearest to me I can get there sometimes in 3 minutes. I stayed a long time at PetSmart because I was making good...
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    Is it common to finish multiple grooms using mostly clippers/5 in 1?

    @sunshinerayz Yeah she did. Of course the dogs behavior is a big part too. She didn't do that unless the dog was also still.
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    Is it common to finish multiple grooms using mostly clippers/5 in 1?

    @marysol I knew a groomer that had been grooming 10+ years and certain dogs she would just skim the dog all over with a 40 blade. Like just hover the blade and do tight outline trims that way and did minimal scissoring. The dogs looked great. Some people are just very skilled and as long as the...
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    Truth about working as a bather at Petsmart

    @jcc19240 Yes, it really depends on the manager. I know there's things the manager can do if they're really determined and are in need, but I wouldn't want people to rely on that because most likely they will say no.