*URGENT* Please tell me Im not crazy and this isn't normal!?


New member
I recently changed jobs, and it feels like the way they run their grooming department is atrocious. Im gonna try and make this short and to the point. Also Id like to point out I dont exactly have the option to just "run and quit" right now.
  1. The most annoying issue I have here is that they dont come get groomers to discuss haircut w clients. Then they say "oh just call them" if I mention to them to come get me.
  2. Their basic baths consist of a bath and towel dry. So they send dogs home soaking wet bc wtf is a towel going to do?? And also, isnt this a health hazard to the dog? Skin irritation, hot spots, odor, fungus, tightening of matts? Im not crazy right? This service shouldnt be conducted!
  3. They do same day bath appointments (that we dont get commission for bc it takes "10min") and do not inform groomers when theyve added on a bath (or nailtrim). Ive had upwards of 14 dogs in 1 shift, and the other groomer said there was a day she had 20. Again, this is not normal right??? The shops I worked at previously I got to choose how many dogs I did as long as I met the requirement.
  4. They let customers decide pickup times. There was a day I had 5 full grooms all due by 1(start time 9am), 2 nail trims due by 10am, and a basic bath (pyrenes) due at 2. Mind you we do not have bathers here. Shouldnt it be the groomers calling the owners and telling them when to pickup?? Not the other way around.
Anyways Im having a talk w my boss tomorrow and am pretty nervous but Im sure you can guess the issues Ive run into with these?

Yeah Im leaving. The conversation I had with them went right under the rug. This place is a dump. But Happy New Year everyone!
@justiniun Wow yea that’s not normal. It’s unhealthy for dogs and groomers. Also a waste of money for the owners.

I’d explain to your boss what the problems are, what solutions you can come up with and how those solutions would benefit the company. If they decline, then you’ve got to live with their policies or put in a 2 week notice.
@genna Yes, true lol! I always give a 2 week notice since it’s the polite thing to do. I try not to let shitty employers ruin my ethics.

Also, some employers are “nice” and will pay you for the 2 weeks but let you go home. Or I use it as 2 weeks to find another job lol. Or it’s when I use my PTO/sick days (assuming there are any grooming jobs with benefits out there).

Lastly, I think it’s a bit fun to call my employers out on their shit, stand by my morals and refuse extra pay for a shitty environment. It’s a blast to watch them squirm around me after I put in my 2 week notice. It’s like a 2 week long power trip for me, and a guilt trip for my employer. No call/no show just makes your employers feel victimized and only screws over your coworkers.
No call/no show just makes your employers feel victimized and only screws over your coworkers.

I just did this with my job at a doggie day care.

I knew the dogs would be okay, otherwise I would not have done it.

Boss was a Narcissist, so I do not care. If I put in two weeks, she would have given me a thin time.
@genicbunny Did we work at same daycare? Lol I put my 2 weeks in but didn't show up for my last day (I watched the cameras and everything was okay without me) they said everyone always quits and no shows, I noticed we went through many workers in the few months I was there. I quickly saw why, they tried to pay me more to stay but they were running a doggy prison not a daycare !
@genicbunny Yeah I'm lucky to work with dogs under someone who actually cares about the well being of the dogs and its sad to say that. More places than not money came first. I'm a groomer so I see neglect and some traumatic things but if I didn't have a boss and team who are on the same page as me I wouldn't be able to work with dogs at all. It's crazy how when you start working with animals you realize not everyone cares the way you do.
@rukado We do get "paid" for basic baths, but barely anything. Its $15/hr, so basically 2.50 per dog (they think it only takes 10min to wash a dog, doesnt matter the size). Lots of people here dont understand that I dont prioritize basic bath dogs cause I hardly get paid for them and then get upset but Im really setting up boundaries with them so theyll stop asking me even if it means lots of awkward confrontation.
For anything more than a basic bath we do get paid commission.
@justiniun This looks like multiple law suits waiting to happen as well as injuries to dogs, groomers, or both. I'm guessing the owners aren't groomers and thought a dog grooming business was easy money. Get out ASAP!
@justiniun I’m not one to usually suggest leave a job immediately, but in this case I’d say leave immediately. If groomers had a code of ethics/laws we must abide by, their care of pets would totally go against it. Also, to be in a constant state of unpredictability of grooms and agitation with the operations of the salon will only lead to burnout in the long run. I know you said it’s not an option, but I don’t see this working out well for you in the future either.

But no OP, you’re not crazy. Stand your ground, and please protect yourself and the doggies at all cost. Good luck ❤️

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