People are doodling everything

@jerfjerf We have two st Bernard poodles from the same litter. Luckily at least one of them has an easy thin wirey textured coat. And she's only like 60lbs whereas her brother is creeping up to 100lbs, and has a curly, dense, shedding coat 🙃 I was the newest groomer at my shop up until recently so I don't end up doing them as much as I used to 😅
@smithy60 Why do people keep mixing poodles with EVERYTHING!?

You reminded me that I also have a newfypoo client. His owner called today asking to make an appointment for him and his labradoodle sister. His sister is the perfect size but he is 125 pounds 😭 last time I groomed him I had my arm on my table all the way up and he nearly hits it. He's at the height that I have to push him from side to side so I can shave the top side of him. He also soaks me and the floor when I bathe him.
@smithy60 We had a purebred komondor come into the vet clinic a few years ago. It was their farm dog. They kept it clipped short but didn’t have the groomer do clean feet and didn’t ever bother to check the dog when it would come inside. Had to anesthetize a couple times to get the hundreds of foxtails out of the poor dogs feet, tummy, and leg pits. Only time I’ve ever seen a real komondor in person. He was really sweet and big but, I was just blown away by how bad the foxtails were on him.