I am so tired and distressed that my 10 m/o is eating EVERYTHING

@jaimea1 Thanks for your answer. I do have a muzzle but he hates it. I’ve been trying to get him used to it. It also frustrates me to get to that point. But I guess I will end up using it if that doesn’t get better soon
@grace302015 Is it a basket muzzle? Those are usually best for breathability and comfort for the dog. I’m sure there are some great videos online to give tips to make muzzle training easier. I know that sucks to have to do. Idk if that is something he may outgrow but in the mean time it sounds like strictly sticking to the leash only and muzzle training is safest for him.
@grace302015 I also agree with working on muzzle training. It sucks it gets to this point but a little time muzzle training and accepting he needs it vs. thousands of dollars on vet bills if something terrible happens. My sisters ACD mix is muzzled on hikes and does fine now but she had some vet bills along the way and they just weren’t worth it.
@grace302015 My girl has such prey instinct she does this all of the time. We can’t have her off leash or she eats javelina poop, dead creatures, half eaten McDonalds someone threw out the window. I have watched her chase a bird, catch it and start eating it before I could stop her. I am not sure you will be able to extinguish the prey instinct. Keep him on leash. The dingo in him is strong.