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    2 schnauzer incidents in the past 2 weeks! I’m beating myself up so hard. 🥲

    @thegiant Cavalier ears to the leather, where the hair is so thick you're like PLEASE DON'T BE SKIN...
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    Toy Poodle sensitive stomach

    @myles0 Some dogs have chronic medical conditions that need to be managed with a controlled diet for life. Pancreatitis, allergies, etc. Even puppies. It's okay if she has to stay on prescription food for life if that's what's best for her. :) Think of it like wearing glasses. My dog has been...
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    Dog Groomers: write an instant nightmare in 5 words or less

    @legionness Senior with heart condition.
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    Stop coddling your dog! You're the problem, not them!!

    @gellmannamnesia I genuinely notice a difference in the behavior of my clients whose parents I have a closer personal connection with and those who are more distant. The clients I'm close with hype their dog up for grooming and talk about it positively at home ("He loooooves when I ask if he...
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    Stop coddling your dog! You're the problem, not them!!

    @david_c It is a very established concept among behaviorists, especially R+, that only behavior can be reinforced, not emotional states. It's a pervasive myth, like dominance theory.
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    Hand stripping for dummies

    @ashere I have a burner account with a fake name that I only use to join pet groups, lol. I suggest doing the same, there's a lot of good info on there.
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    Are we crazy or are people tone deaf??

    @or19937 Unfortunately, there is a very persistent, old school attitude amongst groomers and pet owners of "just get it done" in regards to dog grooming. This also gets compounded with a devaluation of our field and the work we do, creating really horrible customer attitudes and expectations...
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    Dog grooming help please!

    @sarahbethcole You can't let fear of judgment prevent you from seeking care for your dog. There are going to be so many future situations where life gets in the way, or something out of your control happens to your dog. You will still need to do what is right. If it makes you feel better, when...
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    Breaking up is hard to do

    @madidson857 You did everything you could to advocate for this dog and unfortunately some owners are like talking to a brick wall. It's disturbing, the amount of people in 2023 who still believe dogs don't feel pain the same way we do (e.g. luxating patella/CCL injury dogs who limp, or dental...
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    Would you..

    @onuohaxo Depends on the waiver, for one. Ours authorizes emergency vet care, but if these are chronic, ongoing conditions from neglect, it's going to be hard to spin it as an emergency. Also you might want to consider who would foot the bill which would probably reach into the thousands in my...
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    I think I’m gonna quit or get fired

    @kate22 You're so sweet, thank you. I'm just waiting for my friends to establish a bit more business at their new shop and then I'm jumping ship!
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    How do I know my dog isn’t a little shit during grooming?

    @burialchoice If it's of any help, every Cavalier I've groomed has been a good natured blob. Like, in 5 years I've had zero try to bite me, even if they're weenies with their family at home. Most of the time their only shortcoming is being lazy or anxiously barking after the service. Dogs often...
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    Would you..

    @excpomelo Probably... I just have a spine injury which makes me unable to groom dogs over 40 lbs, making me generally inconvenient to hire.
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    Poodle show grooming

    @1godpreacher It is going to be best to learn in person from someone who is experienced in showing the breed. Even those of us who are pet groomers by day but do occasional showing have had to learn from mentors. You will probably need somebody to set your initial clip, as well, and provide...
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    I think I’m gonna quit or get fired

    @kate22 I worked this whole week with the flu and my grooms have been substantially slower and worse lol. If our employers are happy for us to work while ill instead of resting at home, then they have no right to complain about any errors we make while being dead on our feet. I hate workplace...
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    Would you..

    @excpomelo I didn't even mention the part where the acting manager humiliated me in front of the entire salon for "being uncomfortable" and expressing my concern for the dog. 🙃 I have been grooming for five years and nobody has ever treated me like this.
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    Poodle show grooming

    @1godpreacher Ask your breeder.
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    Would you..

    @baotoan Not a vet groomer. New client. Employee who checked in promised 5/8" all over. None of these conditions were noted at check in and owners did not mention them. Owner also introduced themselves by complaining about the last groomer. Business owner does not carry insurance. So, refuse or...
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    Would you..

    General poll and discussion after something happened at work today: Would you continue grooming a dog after you discovered it had a) an ulcerated, bleeding, swollen vagina and anus from matting and feces sitting against the skin b) a red, squinting eye with thick, green discharge and c) the...
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    Stop coddling your dog! You're the problem, not them!!

    @keonhanh I 100% share your perspective and also sympathize with owners at times because unfortunately, there is a fair share of bad publicity in our industry when it comes to animal deaths and injuries. Of course these things only make it to the public eye when they're severe, so some owners...