2 schnauzer incidents in the past 2 weeks! I’m beating myself up so hard. 🥲


New member
Both of the incidents were ear nicks. I just feel so dumb right now. Of course it was the ear flap both times.

I know these things happen as a newbie groomer and will probably happen again eventually. I’m glad I understand how to better safely handle ear trimming in the future.

Still, though. I disappointed myself A LOT today.
@svjoyner I've been grooming this one schnoodle for like 10 years now. He gets a schnauzer cut. I've nicked the same spot in one of his ear folds like... 3 times? at least? The first time it happened it was definitely me not being as careful as I could have been. Whenever I've groomed him after the first incident I've always been terribly careful around his ears but sometimes he'll just flick them or move in such a way that it happens despite my best efforts. His owner is so understanding and I always comp the groom when it happens, but god damn those schnauzer ears.
@svjoyner My kryptonite is nicking matted paw pads. Luckily it's never happened bad enough that like I needed to apply pressure to stop bleeding or take them to the vet, but I feel bad whenever I see a little droplet of blood after getting the mat out. I'm sure their paws are already sore from the matting :(.

I honestly hate doing ears to the leather. I'm so scared of cutting an ear.
@svjoyner Oh the same thing happened to me too back in April, I took two weeks off for my vacation and I don’t know what happened to my grooming skills when I came back but I had two incidents within the same week as well :( I still beat myself for it and I cringe whenever I think about it, it does get better though! I swear it’s something all groomers go through, we just gotta learn and safety is top priority.
@pierrepierre Yeah :( I recently started commission based pay (I work corporate) and have been pressured to do 5 dogs since which is something I now know I just can’t do yet.

I was so overbooked today. It’s like the universe was telling me “4 DOGS ONLY B1TCH!!!!!!!” and BAM! Ear nick.
@svjoyner Don't ever let them pressure you into doing more than you can handle! Corporate stores don't give a shit about your mental health and well-being. That's where my grooming career started, and every time I got asked to bump up, it stressed me so badly. Only bump yourself up to 5 when you feel ready! Once you get into your groove and see frequent clients and know all their quirks, you'll be able to figure out if you can take on more.

Also, my first incident was also a nicked ear. I got a Yorkie ear trying to tip it and gah I felt horrible.
@svjoyner I hate shaving ears for this exact reason. I’ve had only one incident and it was a rowdy schnauzer. Nicked the Henry fold. Worst part owner didn’t answer the phone for what felt like forever and showed up saying “ you still have both your ears ! “. My manager and I were pissed. She was getting our texts and voicemails but ignoring us.🙃 Not to mention my coworker the other day nicked an ear but didn’t say anything to anybody. I try to treat my clients/dogs how I’d want someone to deal with me/my dogs.
@kate22 I couldn’t imagine not telling anyone! It would eat me up inside. I contacted the owners both times immediately - I feel like they really appreciate the honesty.
@svjoyner I’ve been at this new salon for maybe two months ( corporate ) and there’s been quite a few incidents. I had one… but I was the one that got cut and needed stitches. Being as it’s corporate I feel they try to avoid vet visits and incident reports. I’m moving soon so happy to get out of there.
@kate22 God I feel ya! I’m just about done with corporate. I honestly could’ve prevented this incident today by not letting myself get overbooked and rushing through grooms, but you know how corporate is. Quantity, quantity, quantity…I’m gonna listen to the universe and limit myself to 4 dogs strictly, both incidents happened when I pushed myself to do 5. 🙃🙃
@svjoyner I miss when I was at 5. Some days I’m at 7 when I don’t have cancellations. Very much looking forward to leaving corporate. I feel like I’m doing quantity rather than quality at this point.