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    What happens if you mix a breed with fur and a breed with hair?

    @milz777 I have a half pit half German shepherd, husky, malamute. For the most part he has the pit coat type but he seems to have undercoar on his hips and right by his butt and on his tail. Those are the only spots he blows any coat lol
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    [Breed Recommendations] Looking to get my next sporting dog

    @bpps Omg I can't imagine the energy levels on a cardi/border mix
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    Most embarrassing moments? (funny)

    @elizabeda777 Sometimes my poor boy gets overwhelmed and upset (scared) on walks for reasons I don't totally understand. To snap him out of it, especially if I don't have treats, I'll sing to him, saying he's such a good and brave boy and so smart and special and brave, etc etc etc. sometimes I...
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    What customer comments made you want to literally reach across the counter and slap someone?

    @chaz1268 Well that customer doesn't need to get them anymore 🙃
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    Getting Started as a Breeder

    @jwfletch Do you have a mentor you are working with?
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    incident at the dog park

    @qody Are there not leash laws in place where you live? If your dogs were in a designated dog friendly are and the other dog was off leash NOT in a designated dog friendly area, why are you at fault? You shouldn't expect a dog to be totally cool with a strange dog running right towards them at...
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    oMg SHE’S so uGLy!! [rant]

    @sadie17 I can't imagine saying that when surely the dog is happy to see their person after a groom sesh. Like "nah this wiggling thing aint my dog"
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    Don’t know what to do about my (?) reactive dog. I’m so over it

    @michael3817 Start with a snuffle mat, Kong toys (under supervision if she is a chewer, my dog swallowed a large portion of one and it had to be surgically removed three years ago), puzzle feeders, etc. Best of luck, friend!
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    Don’t know what to do about my (?) reactive dog. I’m so over it

    @michael3817 Can you just not take her out on walks? Do you have a garden?
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    People have zero survival instinct and it’s hurting my dog

    @samsunguser Um he is (guessing here) 50 lbs of pure muscle attached to four sets of claws. What kind of ass backwards thinking is that? What a dumb dumb
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    People have zero survival instinct and it’s hurting my dog

    @carltonh I think it was a joke