Why does my dog target my wife and her things for chewing, but not me or my stuff?


New member
Our younger dog L has been quite the handful ever since she was given to us. She's chewed my wife's retainer, video game controllers, shoes, etc but has never gone after me or my stuff since the first couple months we had her. We're crating her when we aren't home (never more than half a work day) and her behavior has been slowly improving, but for some reason, L has it out for my wife.
@lilly159 Has the dog been given an old item that your wife has used?

My dog did this to my dad's shoes because my dad gave him an old worn out shoe as a playtoy. Since then he sometimes yoinks one of my dad's shoes when he's bored. He never takes mine or anyone else's.
@lilly159 I wanna say that since she was given to you, maybe she came with the tendencies to chew and was not taught not to… & whatever she was chewing at her previous home smells similar to your wife’s belongings.

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