Why does my dog lay on me


New member
Any dog trainers or any dog behaviourists would love to hear your input on this!

In the past few years my dog has been doing this thing where she comes and lays on my chest. Like if I’m on the couch watching TV she comes and just lays on my chest and wags her tail when I talk to her 😩 or if I’m sitting on the couch working she’ll try to lay on me until I lay down. And if I grab her paws she does a big stretch and then buries her head in my neck. It’s the cutest freaking thing but I wanna make sure it’s because she’s happy and not something else ?

Here’s a bit of background on her & I: My dog is 9 almost 10 and I’ve had her since she was a baby. We’ve travelled around the world together and she’s adapted so well to every place. She sleeps on my lap on airplanes, is good on trains, cars/vans and has lived on a boat. Every new person she meets she gets super excited. And she’s always excited for walks and food. She’s also pretty good alone. I usually take her everywhere (shopping, restaurants, parties) but if I leave her at home she seems content - no barking, peeing or pooping, etc.

She’s getting old and I love her to pieces so just want to make sure she’s happy and when she lays on me it’s not her asking for something or telling me something is wrong.
@vigilantrogue You are her comfort.

If one of my dogs is stressed or had a tiring day (they are working dogs, after all), they know they can come to me for comfort. They know they can lean into me completely and feel peace. Sometimes I'll sing to them, sometimes we just cuddle and praise. It's just like humans seeking out physical contact for comfort.
@vigilantrogue My dog sleeps on top of me , has since a puppy. Right now stretched out beside me, head on lap all 4 legs on top of mine. He weighs 145 pounds and has bony elbows, wouldn’t trade it for anything.
@magicalelf73 My 60lb dog is pretty skittish with cuddles and stuff (she was a freeway find and I get the sense she was not well taken care of) but when she decides to hop up on furniture and lay on me it's the greatest thing ever. Big dog cuddles are so precious.
@vigilantrogue Yes, it’s just bonding. My Irish Wolfhound mix will force me to lay down and plaster her whole body on top of me and give me kisses if she thinks I’m starting to cry. It’s not allowed!

Either she is trying to comfort me or she thinks I’m annoying and is trying to smother me 😅
@taikamiya720 My pup does the same for me if I'm having an emotional day. Tears are not acceptable, she will force herself onto me until I can't help but laugh.

Dogs are too pure for this world. Please give your "little" miss some scritches, she's a good girl.
@%C3%81lefe It’s pretty neat isn’t it? I’ve owned many dogs and several were really in tune with me but this is a first.

We bought one of those space heaters that looks like a woodstove, you know with the fake flames? My husband opened the door and stuck his hand in the fake flames and started screaming like he was being burned.

So of course I was all “that’s so dumb and immature, move over let me try!”

So I did and she came charging out of our room, wrapped her paws around me and dragged me out!

And my husband was all “omg either she loves you more or you are a better actor”. So I assured him I was just the better actor lol.

Seems some dogs just really naturally take to the emotional support dog thing haha.

Please give your pup a smooch on the snoot from me.
@taikamiya720 Yeah, some dogs are definitely more empathic from the get-go. I've never trained Coco for any emotional support work, she just hates it when I'm having an emotional day and I love her for it.

I also think dogs tend to pick one human as "their" human. My parents old French Bulldog definitely picked me as his human - he slept in my bed every night since he was 6 months old and when I moved out, any time I'd stay the night at my parents he went straight back to our old routine; under the duvet, back to back and his head on my second pillow. In his old age he'd be upset that he could no longer walk up the stairs and he "taught" me to carry him.

I love dogs so much.
@cupoftea She and I have this worked out. She relaxes completely and then I adjust her up or down or a little to the side to avoid boobage squish and lung collapse. By the time I get her adjusted we are both usually pretty comfy.

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