Why do people feel the need to act like judgmental assholes toward people and dogs they don’t know??

@soontobebride Lmao now I’m well informed enough to just say “definitely not” the next time someone asks if they can give advice. On the flip side, I’ve also run into some people on hiking trails who tell me there dog used to be the exact same way and give me hope, so at least there’s a community of us reactive baby parents who are kind!
@patience7 Um, more like your dogs shouldn’t be off leash lady. That shit pisses me off. I got asked whether my dog was aggressive last week when she bore her teeth at an unleashed dog we were approached by in a tight spot on the trail and I was like, no, she just doesn’t like being cornered. We were leashed and making room for them to pass and the owner was 20’ back while the much larger dog is coming in on her. Of course she’s going to bare teeth, she’s trapped!
@cmsilecchia Agree so hard. I wish off leash owners realized how stressful it is for reactive dog owners.

Recently had a similar scenario hiking where an off leash dog ran up to my dog and immediately grabbed his face. Playfully, but a full grab. My dog backed up so fast and started to snarl a bit and luckily my roommate grabbed the other dog by her harness and yanked her back. The owner didn’t catch up for a FULL MINUTE. And she was just like “oh sorry hahah sometimes she’s a fighter” wtf put your dog on a leash, dumbass.

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