Why do people feel the need to act like judgmental assholes toward people and dogs they don’t know??

@imagebeastmarkbeast I'm glad you don't feel offended by something like that. It doesn't really have any bearing on whether or not OP had the right to be offended, though. It doesn't make it an appropriate comment, either.

You're imagining that this biker was fearful and as a result, had a good reason to make his comment. Nothing in the story indicates that, so it appears you're imagining additional aspects of the scenario in order to justify rudeness. Not really sure why you feel the need to do that. Why does this random guy get the benefit of the doubt and not the OP?
I'm glad you don't feel offended by something like that. It doesn't

really have any bearing on whether or not OP had the right to be

offended, though. It doesn't make it an appropriate comment, either.

Just because a person feels offended by a comment doesn't make it inappropriate either though. OP has all the rights to be offended but it won't help her going forward with her dog while ignoring it and concentrating on her dog MIGHT at least help. You can either let things like this pull you down or focus on what's really important and ignore people who have no importance in your life whatsoever. For example it is also a perfectly viable option to ignore or block me if she strongly disagrees with my view expressed here.

Why does this random guy get the benefit of the doubt and not the OP?

What benefit of the doubt would apply for OP? Do you mean that the biker should not have judged her dog's behavior? Well, I agree but his judgment was really mild if he really just stated that the dog needs training. Also it is accurate because even though OP has already invested a lot there still seems to be a little bit to be addressed. No shame in that. That probably is true for nearly all of us.
@imagebeastmarkbeast I guess I don't understand why you don't think people should mind their own business. It doesn't even matter if it's true. No one asked.

Let's normalize people shutting the hell up when they haven't been asked for their opinion.
Good lord, why TF are you defending this shitty behavior so hard here? It was a shitty comment to make to a stranger. Much like your comment. Hmm…okay, guess I get it why you’re digging in so hard now.
@gardenrn Straight up. We went on a hike a few weeks ago with our pup who is very well trained and responsive to commands except we’re still working on his leash reactivity to other dogs. No aggression signals, just barking when he sees other dogs.

He’s gotten really good at staying by our side and not tugging on his leash, and we’ve made a lot of progress on his reactivity in our neighborhood, but once we get out of the space we’ve practiced in, his reactivity is heightened again.

As you know, it’s so mentally and emotionally taxing when you’ve practiced again and again and you think you’re making progress, but then the pup has an off day and you’re left feeling defeated and like you’re not doing enough. It was definitely one of those days.

End of the hike, so ready to just get in the car and get home. This lady has two off leash little dogs, so my boyfriend tightens up our dog’s leash super short so that if one of the off leash dogs approaches him, he has full control. Our dog starts barking at these two new dogs.

The lady goes, “hey can I give some advice?” I’m not that interested tbh and exhausted but whatever, maybe she had a magical suggestion that can help us? We pause and she deadass says “dangerous and aggressive dogs like yours either need to be muzzled or left at home.”

My boyfriend politely said “thanks for your opinion” and I rolled my eyes and said “oh fuck off”. No idea why people feel comfortable injecting their rude ass opinions on situations they don’t know anything about lmao.
@ppllookk72 Beyond that, the dog isn’t aggressive. He’s never attacked or bitten another dog and is very playful with our other dogs. He’s never nipped at a person either. He’s very talkative in general and hasn’t socialized with other dogs outside of our household much because of COVID. So he’s very talkative when he sees a new dog, but doesn’t lunge at them, growl, snarl, or anything else that would indicate he’s “aggressive” or “dangerous.” We tighten up his leash any time there is an off leash dog around, because we unfortunately can’t predict the behavior of others.

But you’re right — if the assumption is that the dog is dangerous, the answer is not to isolate them and not offer opportunities for growth lol. Have also been advised by behaviorist that for non aggressive but reactive dogs, a muzzle can make them become aggressive, so to monitor changes in his behavior closely if using a muzzle.

Just the audacity of a person to make so many assumptions about our dog and our knowledge of his behavior based on two seconds of seeing him makes me roll my eyes so far into the back of my head that I can see my brain basically.
@patience7 oh don’t worry! i caught that your dog isn’t aggressive from the beginning! It’s just people wanting to open their shitholes to say things that aren’t even correct. The worst you can do with an aggressive dog is confine it to your home.

I had a woman assume my 5 month old puppy was “not friendly” because she barked at her dog. Going for walks is frustrating as hell sometimes, other people are just so fucking insufferable! I bet most of them didn’t train their dogs themselves either. I have a ‘friend’ who shot talks every decision I’ve taken with my dog because their dog is really well behaved... yeah, that’s because you sent your dog away for months to a professional who did all the work for you.

I try my hardest to not even respond when people like this start speaking to me.
@ppllookk72 Amen, man, I get so sick of people who don’t even have dogs or have super little dogs who are poorly trained but it doesn’t matter so much because they’re so small reacting negatively to my dog’s reactivity. I wish I was above responding, I’m getting there lmao.
@patience7 Talkative isn't always aggressive either. Growl can just be "leave me alone please" or "don't do that I don't like it". Or HAY THERE IM CURIOUS ABOUT YOU. My non reactive dog is the latter lol
@patience7 This made my blood boil. Sorry you experienced that. That lady can fuck all the way off.

It wouldn't have mattered how you answered the question "can I give some advice?" She was going to give it anyways. It's almost easier to lean into their crap with responses like "oh my god, why didn't I think of that?!?! You should be a trainer!" Sow the seed of their insecurities.
@soontobebride That old prune, I probably would have threatened her with leash laws. I dont know any area that doesnt have them. Im not a kid, and Ive been harrassed by old hags. My guess is, they have always been obnoxious, and now counting on no one wanting to confront an old person.
Can you please explain to me how this would be any better than "Your dog needs training"? And please don't think I want to stir up a conflict. I just can't understand how this is any better or different.
It’s not, and I wouldn’t say it to someone unless they were rude to me first. For example, their dog runs up to me, I say my dog doesn’t like other dogs can you please recall, and they are nasty about it/say my dog needs training or shouldn’t be out if not friendly.