Where are my shelter puppies at?

@amoskaeg I grew up in an area that saw a lot dogs and puppies dumped. Farm country and a few houses from where the street dead ends to acres of forest. Whichever neighbor spotted the stray dog/puppy would catch it and the visit/call the rest of the neighbors asking they were missing a new dog, or if they would like one. I think most of my neighbors got their dogs that way. I know 2 of our family dogs were. Both grew up into wonderful family dogs. My mom used to joke that our street was the Rescue.
@amn My girl is now 7 months old, but I adopted her at 11 weeks old. She had been found as a stray in North Carolina with one of her littermates (I was told...not sure how they knew they were littermates) before being brought to a rescue and foster home up here in New England. It was a really quick turnaround - I brought her home within a week of coming across her listing on Petfinder. The adoption fee was only $500 and I was reimbursed $250 when she got spayed.

I'm currently waiting on Embark results but I don't really know anything about her breed. The vet records the rescue passed along said she was a Norwegian Elkhound/Lab mix but I'd be pretty shocked if there were any Norwegian Elkhound in her...I'm guessing she's a GSD mix of some kind (pic). She's very high energy, playful, and friendly but definitely a bit stubborn. She's smart enough to know when I'm asking her to do something and choose not to if it doesn't suit her mood. The listing described her as sweet and shy so she has definitely been a bit more of a handful than I expected, but I love my little rambunctious puppy all the same :)
@angelnumberthree You should look into Carolina Dogs, they are the US’s only wild dog, they mainly live in the Carolina’s and GA. They are effing AMAZING. My first one was from a shelter in GA. She looks like one and is from the right area- the fishhook tail and eyeliner are an instant tell lol. Embark doesn’t have CD’s in their DNA lineup, so it won’t help you for that. My two current ones (we lost our first at 14 almost a year ago) are from a breeder (CD breeders are trying to save them from extinction and keep enough genetic diversity- the good ones anyway :/ ) If she is one you are in for the best dog on the planet. They need a lot of socialization at first, they are naturally wary dogs with strangers, but my god they are the most loyal wonderful intelligent dogs ever. I won’t have any other type.

Here is a lovely thing written about them- this is from the woman who whelped my just turned 1 year old pup. This is the best article I’ve read about them https://getagood.dog/breedinfo.html

This one has a good picture that shows their physical characteristics

r/carolinadogs not every dog on here is one, some people think any ginger dog with pointy ears is one lmao, but it’s a fun group to show off your pup. I even found a few of my pups littermates lol! There are distinct physical characteristics. Fishhook tail, eyeliner, can be any color (my two pups are black/white/ginger with heterochromia and a cream one) not just ginger, triangle shaped head, their ears can move independently from one another, large chest, small waist, etc. Once you have been around one it’s super easy to distinguish which ones are CD’s. Yours I’m pretty damn positive is a CD, especially with the behavior :)) You won’t ever want any other kind lol.

Oh interesting, thanks for the info! I will definitely look into it. If they're not in Embark's database, is there any way to know for sure if a dog is a CD or are there any typical "red herring" breeds that show up in Embark?

I can definitely see the physical resemblance, especially in that fishhook tail. Personality wise, my dog has the high energy and intelligence described in the links you shared, but she is super human and dog social. She is not at all wary of strangers and will immediately run up to say hi to anyone new.
@amn I just adopted a little puppy girl who is 13 weeks old, she came home with me this past Sunday.

I have a second job working janitorial shifts at a dog kennel/daycare, and the business sometimes fosters rescue dogs. Well one day in September two foster dogs come in, they had been tied up to a post early one morning at a dog park. They were a breeding pair of Jack Russell mixes (maybe some Rat Terrier or even Chihuahua in the girl), and she was quite pregnant. So they came to live at the kennel, they had a huge room all to themselves, and eventually a play pen and whelping box. I work overnight so I gave them breakfast and hung out with them on my break, they are super sweet pups. She gave birth on October 2nd to five puppies who are all super cute and unique and healthy (one of them might have mega-esophagus, but is managing great). They all had cute color patterns and looked more like Dad, except the last one born who came out white and looked more like Mom. She also was the first to open her eyes and over time her light brown coloring over her eyes and ears started coming in (and a brown dot right in the center of her head). She was a total clone of her mother, and just super sweet and funny.

So I kind of had an in with the rescue since I've been helping take care of them since birth, and she is currently on my lap snoozing. She's 13 weeks and I fear I missed some socializing time because the rescue was trying to avoid the puppies becoming Christmas gifts and waited to process applications, but she's here now and it's been less chaotic than I thought! I'm waiting for the shoe to drop though lol

Mom and Dad are getting adopted together soon and her siblings probably soon after, they've been pretty popular online so I'm glad I had a direct line to the rescue owners.

Puppy Tax https://photos.app.goo.gl/J9wRWxncERe2kdFF9


Adoption fee is $375, and they're suggesting I do a Facebook fundraiser and whatever I raise can go to the adoption fee. That comes with all vaccinations, spaying eventually. They also gave me a big bag and cans of the food she's been eating, a gift certificate to get a months supply of that same food, some treats, a puppy sweater and jacket, a blanket, a personalized bandana with her shelter name on it, a leash, collar and harness, some puppy pads, and a heartbeat stuffed dog that's got the scent of her litter mates and parents on it.
@amn I’ve got a rescue pup who is 17 weeks, so not too far off from yours! I know very little about his past and DNA though. All I know is he looks a bit like a husky/shepherd mix, and he came from a reservation. It’s kind of funny… I’m a first time dog owner and wanted an “easy” dog as my first, but all of the ethical breeders in my area have insane prices (like $3k for a puppy, not including vet expenses and such - vs. $800 for a rescue with neuter included). I looked at rescue puppies for years and saw so many that sounded perfect, I couldn’t justify going purebred. That coupled with just wanting to help a puppy who may be looked over more easily than a purebred made me bite the bullet. The process was fairly easy, they moved it along quickly after seeing photos of my place.

I’ll be honest. Once I actually got my rescue, I unexpectedly started to have a lot of anxiety about his breed mixes and was worried I made the wrong choice for myself (I have always had bad anxiety and tend to always go with the “safest” choice, so all the unknowns were a lot for me. He’s also likely going to be a big boy and I really wanted a medium dog, but it’s hard to say for sure at this point).

Then I started reading the posts about the people with monster golden retrievers (my dream breed). And I realized that although breed does play an important part, it obviously just comes down to the individual dog.

My puppy definitely is already showing the stubbornness that huskys are known for. But he’s also so loyal and eager to please like a shepherd. I sneezed today when he was playing with a toy, and he immediately came running over to me to make sure that I was okay. (Or, maybe he just thought I wanted to play? 😂 I’d like to believe he was concerned…). It’s moments like that, or when he brings his favourite toy over to my lap and shows me he feels safe enough to play with it while snuggling me.. that’s when I know I made the right choice, and I could care less what breed he is.
@donut If it actually is a Shepard/Husky mix you'll need to buy a second vacuum! But he will definitely be a big goofy floof ball! I had my own reservations about getting a pitbull, but at the end of the day they all deserve a loving home. But I do feel pressure to make sure she will always be the best behaved puppy in the room just because of how she will look when she is older, and the connotation pit breeds have. So I understand the "did I make a mistake" thought about the adoption.
@donut loyal and eager to please like a shepherd

God I wish mine was like that lmao. He'd trade me for a paperbag of chicken any day of the week. But yeah his siblings all seem to have personality differences. I think genetics and understanding breed definitely helps but it's not everything. I'm sure there's someone out there with a lazy Malinois.
@bandarbo Oh, my boy will take chicken over me any day at this point. Food > everything. This is really helpful for training so far though. He knows I am the bearer of food, and will do just about anything for it. 😂 I imagine there are very few puppies who would take affection over food, or toys, or whatever their kryptonite is.
@donut 🙋🏼‍♀️ my puppy cares more about affection than food. My last one was an elkhound beagle mix and would have gladly stepped over my dead body for a single crumb of food, but puppy I have spent hundreds upon hundreds of dollars and still found a grand total of two treats he will even eat. Gotta say, I never understood people who said their dog wasn’t food motivated til him!
@amn I'm getting my first doggy puppy at age 36! He comes monday all the way from texas (Im in seattle area) driving up with his pals! I am SO EXCITED AND SCARED for whats to come since I've never had a dog before. Had a roommate with a dog and I took care of him as best as I could without being the owner to prepare myself, but puppies are a whole different story!

This lil nug is 8 weeks old and has australian shepard and hound mix in him. The name they gave him was Gordo but after thinking about it.....IM KEEPING IT. Such a cute name, and I got him a tortilla blanket so I can make him my lil gordito crunch (lol).

Any advice is welcomed btw! I am a total noob but excited to love my new family member :)

OH and edit: We did look at breeder dogs because I thought that was the only way to get a puppy basically. The price definitely was higher but I figured, whats the harm!? But as I did my own research I was finding shelter puppies all over (I was just looking in my area before) and realized there really was no need for a specific breed. Love mixes, love hound dogs (their eaaaaaaaars are so velvety!) but also, they are just dogs! I don't need a specific make and model, I just want a companion and someone to love me back! :)
@marbewpi So exciting! Prepare yourself for A LOT of work! But when they are that young you can see changes happen so quickly. My girl went from 8.4lbs at 9 weeks (she was definitely under weight when we picked her up) to 16.2lb at 15 weeks! I would suggest getting up to speed with some stuff on YT. I leaned heavily on Zak George vids (and still do) for training advice.
@amn HOOO BOY! I have been sleeping in this week because I know I'll be missing it, but LUCKILY (kinda?) I don't have a job right now so its kind of perfect timing for me to keep focus on this lil baaaaaby!
Also SHEEEESH your girl GREW! I know puppies grow fast, so I'm gonna enjoy every minute I can (maybe even 3D scan him at different stages!) because they're only puppies once!

THANK YOU for the youtube recommendation. I've been looking around for some but not sure whos creditable or what not so it always makes me second guess if they are legit. So thanks for pointing me in the right direction! Can't wait to get this boy trained!
@marbewpi We have a lot of resources in the wiki that have recommendations for credible online dog trainers.

I highly recommend checking out Kikopup and Simpawtico - they have some great videos as well
@cmbh1 ahaha ok I'm gonna tell you my train of thought a second ago
"Oh I think we might have gotten from a "T" place! Omg is this a owner of a brother or sister of gordos?! Oh MAN!!!" Then I found out it was Throw a dog a bone rescue and..wups... Haha anyways...

Did you just get your lil guy too!?

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