What everyday item has your dog elected as their favorite toy?

@chingay she used to be obsessed with plastic bottles of any kind, especially slightly squished ones with the cap still on so there’s air in there and she can squish it about. nowadays she’s not so bothered, but loves to rip empty toilet roll tubes to shreds and unwrap her own and other peoples’ presents. she likes the paper more than the presents, though.
@chingay My old man is absolutely obsessed with odd things his first favorite toy was an unused paint roller, he loves toothbrushes, and steals disposable razors any chance he gets. I buy a multipack of tooth brushes he gets a new one when I do now and the razors I use the head easily pops off so when I’m done with it I pop the head off and leave it in the tub for him to still think he’s discovered treasure. He also loves Q-tips and will sort through the trash very carefully and only locate and remove the q-tips
@chingay My herding boy loves his bucket. Like a children's beach bucket but thick quality. He has a muck tub for outside that he rolls around as well. Way cheaper and tougher than herding balls or "tough chewer" toys inmho
@chingay take out drink trays - best things ever! Our local coffee shop has reusable ones we keep talking about, but don't want to give up the free toy
@chingay Empty water bottles, the gallon size ones. He’d play with the full ones too, if we let him. But I imagine a gallon of water puddled all over the living room and don’t let him.

He will crush it and toss it, carry’s it around, wrestles with it. He has a blast!
@chingay Plastic bottles. Any time we have one sitting on the coffee table, even if it's still full, my girl will nudge it with her nose to ask if she can have it. She has to wait until it's empty and rinsed out, then she can go wild with it.
@chingay My daughter had a blanket with this round plushie ball with eyes embroidered on them that was attached to it like a fringe? The little dog took a liking to it, so she cut it off. She carries it around all the time. It’s like the only toy she’s ever played with. She doesn’t chew it. Just carries it around.
@chingay Black garden nursery pots! They crinkle and crunch, her snout fits perfectly in it and when she holds it just right, it covers her eyes so she bumps into things, and she loves to whip it around and try to make it fly off her face. Lucky for her I’m into gardening, so we have an endless supply of black plastic pots.
@chingay Anything expensive. Already had to replace a set of AirPod Pros and a shifter on my bike.

Joking aside, he can’t seem to get enough of my sandals. The moment I take them off, he runs over and grabs them, then runs around like a madman shaking them everywhere.

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