What everyday item has your dog elected as their favorite toy?

@chingay The toilet brush! She steals it any chance she gets and she is sooo happy when she does. It's kind of gross. Actually now then I'm talking about it I'm just gonna buy her a decoy one today.

She also loves any cardboard boxes and toilet paper.
@mrseme My puppy would get into the bathroom whenever we left and take the toilet brush to chew on the handle... The plunger was a close second.

We changed the door knob to one he can't open.
@chingay My GSD is obsessed over a cheap plastic ball that I bought at 5 Below. He carries it everywhere, plays fetch with it, and sleeps with it next to his face.
@chingay Mine was absolutely and totally obsessed with the worlds least comfortable bra. She chewed on the wiring, dug in the cups and used to stick her head through the strap and get you to play tug with her.

It took her a long time for her to forgive me for taking it off her.
@chingay Not her absolute favorite, but my dog really loves to play with plastic bottles. She loves to tear the label off, chew off the cap, make them crunch and crinkle! She keeps picking up bottles around the neighborhood and brining them home. What an eco-conscious dog!
@theflypsyde Ha, at least he/she's going for the empty pots! My girl will massacre a plant if she can get it. She got a couple of my favorites before I started keeping them all out of reach.
@chingay Empty plastic water bottles. We take the lid and the little plastic ring off, but my dogs LOVE them. Every once in a while I'll toss some kibble or smaller treats inside and use it as a slowfeeder.
@chingay He’s obsessed with eating paper things (we keep them away from him and don’t allow it) but if he happens to find tissues, paper towels, MONEY etc. he will go to town. It’s his favorite. If I was still in school I would have a definite “my dog ate my homework” type of situation

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