What everyday item has your dog elected as their favorite toy?

@kimos Is there something wrong with dogs ripping up paper or is it just the eating part that's a problem? I joke that my dog's part shredder, he gets all of my junk mail.
@fahim124 Yeah we don’t allow it just cause he wants to eat the stuff. Ingesting small amounts is not a problem, but I don’t want him to go rogue and give himself a blockage or tummy ache or whatnot
@chingay My dog (lab/pit) likes getting bonked with empty bottles, steals shirts and runs around with them, sleeps on cardboard boxes, and this 5 dollar bacon scented squeak ball. He squeaks it over and over until it quits. I keep telling him they're only rated for about 1k squeaks, and to stop using 950 of them in one go. 🤣

My aussie likes her ball, and only her ball. Ball is life. Eat. Sleep. Poop. Ball. In any order, as long as ball is there. 🥎
@chingay anything cardboard! he gets any small boxes, thick cardstock etc and he'll SHRED IT. in like 5 seconds. and then just chew on the big peices until they've become mush :// He also LOVES one of my plushies so much it became his, a plushie of Gruff from Tinkerbell. he'll sleep with it, usually with its head in his open mouth and a paw over it and it's so cute!!!
@servant10 I save small cardboard boxes, toilet rolls, tea boxes, anything small. Put a chewie in it, close it. Then a slightly bigger box with some of their dinner in it, close it, put the small box in a bigger box, drop in a treat, put that box in a bigger box, etc. Some nights when we can’t go out for a long walk they get their entire dinner this way.

This only works for dogs who will not eat the cardboard. It is easy to modify to make it harder (big Labrador) or easier for the smaller/older/timid in the pack. I admit to using packing tape on the lab’s boxes.
@chingay Our greyhound took literally months to even start playing with toys; I suspect he may have literally never encountered them before coming to us!

The “toy” that finally got him interested was a very plush and soft slipper. He didn’t shred it or really play with it, he just wanted to take it and keep it.

We took the hint and spent ages searching for something safe in a similar texture, and actually ended up buying him a bunch of plushes for babies; super soft and no dangerous bits. As soon as they came out of the bag he was playing straight away!

He’s still the same really; it’s all about that soft texture for him.
@chingay Tupperware/and plastic food storage containers. She loves throwing them in the air and running around with them and has since the day we brought her home. If you give her a Tupperware bowl with water in it, she promptly dumps it and takes off
@chingay My bully mix has a toy from bark it's little pineapple slices she's completely chewed it down but she loves it so much . She also has a rope with a tire on it she is OBSESSED with that toy she whips it around and hits us with it constantly
@chingay The empty cardboard rolls from toilet roll. Which is an issue because I also have gerbil who also believes they are the best thing to destroy, we have to get other people to save them for us to have anywhere near enough

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