What everyday item has your dog elected as their favorite toy?


New member
After months of trial an error with all sorts of toys, cheap and expensive - plushies, tuggies, wheezies, Kongs, you name it - my pup stumbled upon an empty pizza box (from pineapple pizza, no less) and decided that it's the best thing in the history of things.

He was so cutely excited.

Now whenever we order pizza I make sure to keep the box. You can boil 'em, mash 'em, put 'em in a stew chew 'em, shred 'em, sniff 'em in the greasy spots, it's just great.

Anything made of cardboard and recycled paper (e.g. egg cartons) works too, but pizza boxes have truly became crème de la crème for him.

What's your doggo's weird choices in toys?
@chingay We cut a tree down recently and have been using it for fire wood. Brought some in the other day and my dog lifted out one of the big logs (it had a bit of a branch sticking out just enough for him to grip).

It has sat next to his bed ever since. Everytime we light the fire he periodically goes to check his bed to make sure his choosen log is still there and we didn't accidentally burn it.

He doesn't chew it or anything. Every once in a while he will hold the branch in his mouth or rest his head on the main log part....no idea why he loves it so much.
@chingay Moved a few years ago. Used a bunch of plastic tote boxes to move belongings. One day, I was unpacking boxes, left my bedroom for a minute, then came back. My husky was inside one of the plastic tote boxes that had a blanket in it.

$200+ orthopedic dog bed that I bought her? Naaaaaaah. Doggie bed in every room of the house? Naaaaaaaah. $10 plastic tote? Yes please.

Whatever works, I guess. Lol.
@brielle You know the study display boxes at Costco you can grab to put your groceries in? Yep, now in the rotation for cat beds for my cat. Also my Yorkie stole my cat’s catnip toy and keeps it tucked away in her bed.
@sophiahrz She seems to think that way, sometimes. She also got jealous of her little terrier brother (he ate wet food). Would only eat wet food too. So, now we blend her kibble into mush. She scarfs it down as if it's caviar. 🤦‍♀️
@lll Yep socks. But always the ones I am trying to put on. He steals them (I let him) and plays keep away. I tried giving him an old pair but he's not interested.
@chingay My dog has zero interest in real toys. Cardboard tubes, egg boxes, plastic bottles, and crumpled paper are the things he will play with. He also likes chasing balloons until they pop and chewing on stones (which I'm trying to stop, I'm worried about his teeth).
@fahim124 A second one for the plastic bottles! My late pup was obsessed with them and would chew them down until they were totally flat. I think it was like having the crinkly part of those chew toys without any fluff lol I used to call him a “little hobo” because he was really into finding his own toys amongst the trash lmao
@empire101 Little kids are the same way. Give them the box a bike or playhouse came in and the actual toy just sits where they left it.. lol
I guess our pets have great imaginations, too. ☺️

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