What dog gets along best with ACD?

@facelessk Mine loves smaller dogs, labs, and beagles. Any dog that is low-key, happy-go-lucky, or less intimidating. She'd probably like corgis too. Aussies are very hit-or-miss.

She hates huskies.
@facelessk My Newf and Kelpie/ACD are bff’s. Newfs are notoriously patient and gentle, definitely not as smart, but they are very nice and drastically calmer, but they’ll still run around, and play they just aren’t as much work to keep stimulated in my opinion. My Kelpie/ACD has definitely helped my Newf be more active, and the Newfs don’t have that herding instinct, but they are still working dogs, so their personalities play off one another really well imo. Although the drool and hair can be a bit of a turn off lol.
@facelessk My girl's besties from the dog park are a Dachshund/Teckel, a border collie, a boxer-type mutt, and a Heinz 57-type mutt who probably has a lot of cur background. She dislikes the Cane Corso (but things are improving) and hates the English Cocker Spaniel (not aggressive, but will just walk away from it). At work her besties are Aussie Shepherds, a Husky and an Irish Wolfhound. She's a hard pass on Chihuahuas, Yorkies, Shih Tzus, and Dalmations for some reason.
@facelessk We had a female ACD puppy and got another female ACD puppy, and then another one. I like that they all have the same energy (one is a little lower energy) & attitude.
@facelessk Whenever I go to the dog park and someone comes in with a Australian Shepard, I know River is about to make a new best friend. They'll always run back and forth, wrestle a bit and have a great time. Downside is they are both herders and they will bark at each other. Perhaps they are both too high energy for each other inside a house lol.
@facelessk My first ACD girl, Lacey, loved all other breeds, as long as they would romp with her. She had a female golden lab best friend for awhile, she and my female pom got along really well, she had a male gsd mix best friend for awhile. We combined households with a female adult pyranees and that dog couldn’t stand Lacey, but Lacey was oblivious. It was a dominance thing, and Lacey was automatically the top dog in any situation, she didn’t even engage in dominant behaviors, she was just the boss. The pyrenees had been used being the boss in the household and was highly irritated by the loss of status. She growled and harrumphed constantly. I don’t even think Lacey was aware, she just blithely went about her business and ignored the pyr entirely.

My current female acd mix puppy, Josie, loves my rat terrier/chihuahua mix. She’s a senior dog though, so has to shut down the acd sometimes for being too rough. Josie is dog shy with other dogs though, we couldn’t get out to socialize her much and we were nearly attacked during an obedience class, which worsened her anxiety. I need to take her to more training classes (with a different company) so that she can get more experience being around other dogs.

All this to say, it depends on the dog!
@facelessk My mom got a Pomeranian a few months after we got my ACD. She is 10 lbs, he is a large heeler (65 lbs approx). They do play, but she gets intimidated by him sometimes, despite him being very gentle. He is her loyal protector and they do love each other. We are considering getting another pupper for my ACD to have a pal that he won’t break when they’re playing together.
@facelessk My Luna loves her brother. He's a very princess like beagle/pointer mix. He has enough energy for her and is quite submissive, so they very rarely have any sibling squabbles! He's a completely happy goof and a good yin to her serious, focused yang...he's also very tough and always up for a good play romp. He's also kind of dumb, and I think she likes that.

Also, I'd be wary of getting another female. My Luna has a few larger breed females in our area that she has decided she LOATHES on sight.
@facelessk My second dog is a Border Collie. They get along fine. Benny tries to herd the BC, and when he puts his head down and goes into ramming mode she just jumps over him.

But DAMN, you'd think I'd lose weight chasing them around.

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