What dog gets along best with ACD?

@lizaz2112 Mine tried bringing a dedicated sheepdog pyrenees back to the tent for bedtime on a Backcountry backpacking trip. She has made friends with working sheep dogs on 3 occasions since then.
@facelessk My 9 month old heeler/mix loves to play with a 6 yr old male boxer. Will sit in the park and literally wait for him. There's a group of us who usually walk around the same time, so odds are we'll run into each other
@facelessk We have a 4yo ACD and 10yo Dalmatian. Both female, same height and weight. They play, wrestle, and complement each other perfectly. Our ACD’s sharp senses balance out our Dal’s poorer hearing and vision. It’s cute how with a quick bark our ACD is like Let’s go play! And off they go!
@facelessk My 2 year old Blue Heeler (got him a year ago) is best friends with my 16 year old Border Collie x Corgi (female). He's double the size of her but they get on extremely well.
@facelessk I’ve got a 4 yr old bluey boy and a 2 yr old mini aussie girl. The boy is very reserved and picky with who he loves. He also likes to play rough. The girl is a ball of energy that never stops but only knows the love emotion. Best friends since day one. From what I’ve seen, if you get your cattle dog any kind of puppy, they’ll become part of their herd. suprised by the lack of puppy tax
@facelessk a dog that definitely isn’t as smart as them and a puppy too. my rotty/pitty mix was only 3 months when we got her, and he was 9 months. she is dopey and silly compared to my cattle guy who is extremely smart. he definitely raised her and taught her a lot, but he is the smarter one so he takes good care of her too. she is the friendliest girl who would let strangers into our home and show them where we keep the gold, he is the suspicious one who barks if he senses trouble. they balance each other out.
@facelessk Go with an opposite sex pair always if you have the chance. Two females are less likely to start fighting than two males, but if two females do choose to declare war you are absolutely fucked. It is very difficult to repair relationships between two girls when they get sour. Male/female conflict is the least common kind.

As for what sorts of dogs go best? Look for a dog of similar size and energy levels/interest in play if you can, but that leaves an awful lot of options. What are you thinking? Do you know if your girl is already territorial at all? Do you want a puppy or another young adult dog? Would you rather rescue or seek out a purposely bred dog?

About the only thing I would avoid with an ACD is more delicate toy breeds, and I know someone who keeps her young male ACD perfectly happily with her small herd of Chihuahuas. The available set of dogs that could work with your girl is really wide, so it's easier with more information to help narrow it down.
@facelessk We dog sit very often because have a pretty big yard. Both my ACDs did well with all the dogs. However my oldest was super alpha and would let dogs know that if they tried to challenge him. He loved to wrestle though and was fairly gentle. My younger one, after our older baby passed, took up the alpha roll. He's way more relaxed than our older one was, he has golden retriever energy and gets along well with other dogs.

We've always made it a point to socialize our dogs so we could be around other dog owners. Neither one of our dogs were solo dogs up until last month.

My best suggestion is to meet the dog with your current dog and make sure its a good fit. Before we got our oldest cattle dog we had a 13 year old mutt. We tried to adopt a 1 year old german shepherd mix. Our mutt was pretty big and fearless, until we met said dog. He had his tail tucked between his legs and we immediately noped ourselves out of that situation.
@facelessk My ACD/BC mix is BFFs with my parents' dog, a happy go lucky pitbull. Meanwhile, my dog's sister he gets along okay with (so long as food isn't in the mix), she's a Norwegian Elkhound/Husky mix.
@facelessk Male and female will always work out better than female and female. If you’re worried about her being territorial do not get another female dog! My ACD mix loves playing with boxers. Idk what it is.

ETA: she also loves vizslas because she loves to chase them and herd them since they love to run!
@facelessk It’s always best to get a puppy. That way the older dog will accept the puppy into the pack and not be competing or territorial with an older dog. My ACD was upset with my newest puppy for about a week and now she adores him.
@facelessk My ACD/Border Collie mix (recently passed over) loved most dogs. Definitely disliked Japanese Spitz for some reason though. For all other breeds it came purely down to personality - she got on well with most but there would be the odd dog she just couldn’t stand. Wasn’t territorial at all even in her old age. Think a lot of it also comes down to how well you’ve socialized them with others and differentl situations etc

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