What are some of the lazier dog breeds suitable for people who work 8+ hours a day?

@alexsonofmatthew%E2%80%A0 Yer they're generally good options if you work for a few reasons. 1. You're adopting an adult dog so can have a good idea of their personality before they come home 2. They're raised in a kennel environment and are generally more independent dogs so aren't as reliant on human company (although one of mine LOVED cuddles, got on your lap like a cat but was also competely fine being alone). I also think because you know kennels are the alternative for them, there's no guilt about heading off to work 3. They love to sleep and need a lot of it! 4. Bigger dogs so don't need to go to the toilet as often. They're so cute and funny, definitely recommend!
@alexsonofmatthew%E2%80%A0 my family dog was a greyhound shepherd mix. the cuddliest, silliest, most intuitive dog around. everyone, and i mean, everyone, adored that dog. my father has a literal shrine to her in my childhood home still. with her ashes and everything.
@alexsonofmatthew%E2%80%A0 I say greyhounds too! Or even a smaller opinion could be an Italian greyhound! They have less health issues (you wont have too worry about digestion issues as much and their stomachs cant flip, which if they do flip can be fatal ) and are about a third the size of a regular greyhound :) Both kinds are wonderful too own, but as most things go, smaller is easier too accommodate for food, kennel size if you use one, bed size...Less dog to accommodate too. But I totally agree.
@followernotfan Not an Italian greyhound though. The breed is needy and likes lots if attention. They also are small with small bladders. Mine uses a box to potty, because he cannot hold it 8 hours.
@followernotfan Definitely a greyhound! We have three couch potatoes at home. They are sprinters, not endurance dogs. Their races are only a few hundred metres long so it’s all over in a couple of minutes then they go home to snooze!
@followernotfan We are finally moving into our own house at the moment, where no one can dictate the pets we have. Once the yard work is done I CAN'T WAIT to adopt an ex-racing greyhound or two (or three...)! 😍
@selah7grace Couldn’t agree more, our rescued Bichon-Poodle mix is super laid back. His energy spurts last 15-20 minutes at most, typically 3-4 times a day. Longest walk he’ll do before wanting to lay down all the time is 2 miles.