What are some of the lazier dog breeds suitable for people who work 8+ hours a day?

@davidanderson1985 We got our lab at 6yrs old (from a friend of a friend), he’s 9.5 now. Absolutely the best dog ever (some reactivity, but whatever); happy to snooze all day long, doesn’t need more than 30 minutes/day of activity, but won’t fuss if he doesn’t get it. Can go on 4+ hour hikes, but would much rather if we kept it down to no longer than 2 (he’s old, what can I say).

Sharp as a whip, loyal to a fault, impeccable bladder and bowel control indoors, doesn’t bolt through the open front door, doesn’t eat garbage or cat turds or pick up any crap on walks, doesn’t steal cat food, non-kissy, doesn’t bark (except to go potty and again to come back, and when someone’s at the door), doesn’t chew stuff he isn’t supposed to (did chew through a couple of leashes though), reactive but not at all aggressive with other dogs, doesn’t chase cars, has no interest in cats, doesn’t run away off-leash, doesn’t jump the 4-ft fence, doesn’t dig holes in the yard, mellow and chill, and made of pure awesomeness.

Yes, older dogs (5+ yrs) are absolutely amazing, especially for a first time dog owner or someone who isn’t home all the time to invest a boatload of time into teaching the basics.
@antonranil Adopted a 7yo Labrador last year and he is also the chillest and loveliest dog.

He would happily only ever go outside to do his business (which is probably why he was so obese).

He's a fitness dude now haha but adopting an older dog is definitely a good option.

here he is
@bekahpark I know.... He emerged from the bushes carrying a baguette.

He ate some of it before I took it from him. He's still a chonk but he's a fit chonk who has gone from not being able to jump onto the sofa to doing 15km hikes with me in the hills with no problems. (We worked up slowly). He can run and play with my other dog now too ❤️

He has quite a bit of loose skin so I wonder how big he was before the foster (before I adopted him the foster carers also helped him loose a lot of weight)... He was described to me as 'i didn't know a dog could be that big'.

I love him.
@john55107 Yeah everyone’s after puppies. I got my Rottweiler as the last of a litter just for an adoption fee because she was 6 months old and scrawny. No one wanted her. She’s the sweetest rotty ever.
@davidanderson1985 You made a great choice, sweet is always a good trait and the house training is mostly over at that point. I'm going to be getting another dog (my dog of 15 years went over the🌈 bridge a couple weeks ago 😭) and I'm likely going to look for something between 6mo to a year. I really want to get a sense of the dog's personality and energy level. Puppies are cute, but a lot of work and you can't really predict what you're getting if it's a mix. I want a smaller dog, one that's very friendly and likes other dogs. That's a must.
@john55107 Oh I’m so sorry you lost your dog. They never last long enough but fortunately there’s a lot of dogs to love in the world. We baby sat our nephews Christmas surprise puppy and it gave me a whole new appreciation for my old dogs (rottie is 8 my shepherd mix is 12) I dunno why everyone is so set on puppies. So much work! I kinda forgot since it’s been 12 years since I stumbled on my shepherd when she was a tiny little orphan.
@john55107 Havanese are wonderfully social creatures, and tend to be around 10-12lbs. However, they’re basically the epitome of “Velcro dog”, and you pretty much have to take them everywhere with you 😂
@jaguar007 Havanese are on my list! My partner wants a dog that's a little bigger though. However, I'm the main care giver so I'll win 🤣 I'm hoping for around 20lbs, but I'd go smaller depending on the dog. I know what I'm looking for this time. My last dog was perfect once he hit about 3, he had more energy than i anticipated, but I was also 15 years younger so... Yeah lol
They are also not yappy at all, but the do “talk” a lot. (There are a few YouTube videos…) They’re also not “nervous pissers” like most small dogs.