What’s y’all’s biggest pet peeve?

@elephantparadise “i wanted a dog with long hair that’s why i got a dog with long hair!”

a very large percentage of doodle owners should not have a doodle. they see a teddy bear looking dog and think it just stays that way on its own.
@devincamary I try to tell them it’s like training your young kid to get used to brushing their hair. They are gonna put up a fight until they get used to the process. And yes they have HAIR. Do you brush your own hair everyday? Guess what???
@devincamary I have a list. LOL

1) “Get the nails as short as possible” - “I always do, that’s my job. How about we set them up for a nail trim for four to six weeks from now?” - “No, I’ll call you when they need it.”

2) “How long will it take?” - “Depends on your dog/cat, if I can get them home in less than 3hrs that would be great, but I will call/text (whichever is preferred) 20min before they’re done so you can head on over”. - Client shows up 40min later.

3) “I dropped my dog off FOREVER AGO! Why aren’t they done!” - “Well, I told you at least two hours and you dropped off 20min-1hr ago, you took 20min-30min for drop off so I couldn’t start them until you left, but if you want to come get them, you can pay for my time and pick them up, or wait until they’re done and pay the same price.”

4) “I used to work at Petsmart/Petco/Pet Supplies and I can do a better job than you can!” - “Cool beans, then why don’t you?” - “Well because my dog is a psycho.” - “Exactly why they don’t look like that dog, or that one.”

5) “Why won’t you shave my (smooth coated, short coated, double coated, or short haired dog/cat)?” - “Because it literally will not help with the shedding, a deshed is the best option and regular grooming will also help. Brushing at home is a good way to keep up on hair between grooms too.” - “Well I don’t have time to brush them.”….

6) “My dog/cat is always matted! I brush them every day and they’re still matted!” - “I can show you how to brush them if you would like.” - “No, they hate brushing!”

7) “Every single time I bring my dog/cat to you, YOU SHAVE THEM! Stop shaving them!” - “If you brush at home properly,and I can send you videos to help or show you how, or bring them in regularly, they would not need to be shaved due to neglect and matting.” - “I DONT WANT TO BRUSH THEM!” 👍

8) “My dog’s/cat’s nails are so long!” - “Well I haven’t seen them in about six months, have they had their nails trimmed somewhere else?” - “No, why would they!” - “Well, they really should have them done every four to six weeks. Let’s get them scheduled for their next nail trim.” - “No, that’s okay. I’ll just call you when they need it”.

9) “My dog/cat always has fleas!” - “Well, do you use a flea preventative?” - “No, that’s a waste of money.” 🤦‍♀️

10) “Last time I brought my dog in, you took them too short! I want them longer!” - (too short was a 7, so I do a 5) - “THEYRE TOO LONG TAKE THEM SHORTER!!!”

Edit for…

11) “My dogs nails are always sharp and cut me after you trim them, do it right this time.” - “Nail grinding or filing will help, would you like me to do that for you today?” - “No, just trim them”.

12) While I’m doing a nail trim on their dog, and the dog is getting a little antsy…. “NO STOP IT BEHAVE BE GOOD STOP IT I SAID STOP IT BAD DOG BADDDDDDDD BAD DOG STOP IT STOP!”

And so on, and so forth. But that’s the stuff I deal with on the daily.
  1. actually curdled my blood thinking about how much I HATE owners that do this. I had one last week and I stopped service right there and fired them as a client and referred them someone else. Absolutely not. Aaaaaabsolutely never again.
@here2helpyou I had an older guy come in while I was finishing his dude’s last foot yesterday, and I was maybe two seconds from getting it done.

His dog was doing great and then all of a sudden he called him and his dog starts getting antsy.

Then he starts SCREAMING at his dog, telling him “I’m going to hit you if you don’t stop”.

So I ended the groom, and told him if he ever does any of that again, or I get word he’s beating his dog, I’m turning him into the authorities.

Dude called me a bitch, said he was never coming back and “good luck reporting me for things I do inside my own home”.

Can’t help these kind of people. They just shouldn’t have pets. 😞
@devincamary My biggest pet peeve is probably when owners coddle their dog and are like “omg she’s shaking, she’s so scared, its okay baby!!!” Like ma’am the dog will be fine I think it’s you that is having the anxiety here lol. I totally understand being anxious leaving your dog somewhere but making a deal out of it only makes your dog more nervous!!
@cglil I have politely started telling these people that dogs do not understand words they only understand the tone of your voice and your behavior and yours is telling your dog to be very very scared. 🤷‍♂️
@cglil I have this one client who literally said to me once, "You're the only person she's afraid of!"..........while holding her 35 pound dog like a human baby and kissing and whispering to him. Every drop off with her is a 10 minute ordeal of kissing and whispering while I stand there and make puke faces at the receptionist behind her back, I hate it. Nothing bad has happened to that dog ever, it's scared because she's treating him like he's off to be executed jfc
@humansmeagol same! mines only 5/8” too. some of these owners with full on sheep are nuts and expect too much. there are times i want to say “ok if you think it only takes an hour for a full doodle groom go ahead and try it yourself and get back to me on that”. they think because we’re “trained” to do it we can go faster. our equipment can only work at the speed that it lets us.