We don't know what to do next with our reactive dog and in need of advice/support

@needs2b3 Not at all for shelter dogs. Quite common actually. My own was younger with different but just as extreme issues. Also the owner hasn't had the dog very long at all and it takes years sometimes for reactivity rehabilitation.
@matthewck There’s no law nor moral obligation for someone to go through years of torture to try and rehabilitate a dog that they have no way of knowing will actually change. This man should put his existing family first 🤷🏻‍♀️
@imagebeastmarkbeast Another Pitbulls frequenter frequenting because they have nothing better to do apparently lol

But I guess what else are you supposed to do while most likely being isolated and confined to your home?
@lost_soul Highly recommend behavioral euthanasia. You're creating an unfair living environment for everyone who lived in the home before Miles. They deserve the priority, not him.
@lost_soul As difficult of a decision as it is, behavioral euthanasia, is often used in these cases. It's because the pup is incredibly unpredictable, and has the potential to kill another dog or even small child.

When you feel like you and your wife's lives, and the dog's life, are incredibly stressful, what kind of existence is this life for him, really? If you have children, that dog will forever be a risk. Make the hard decision and do what's best for your family, and your dog.
@lost_soul Miles needs to be in a crate most of the day. Allowed out only on leash- including backyard, inside house, etc. Tether him to you if needed. He is not allowed on couch or bed. MILES IS NOT allowed on bed ever again. When outside the crate on lead - if hanging out with you relaxing - he needs to be on his place/bed. After about a month of increased crate time, stick to he is in crate when you are not home and on lead when you are home. He doesn’t go into crate as punishment. He may come onto couch with INVITE ONLY. Otherwise be on a long lead connected to you. He cannot have free run of the house for a while, he is always crated when you are gone, and you can practice having people over while keeping him on his place bed, with lead tethered to you or couch as long as it’s heavy enough not to move if he lunges. Figure 8s to learn how to walk at a heel daily- then walks at a heel for 30/45 per day. Then - a couple months later- on walks he can do what he wants as long as he follows your commands when you say so. Try these things and see how it goes. Should help. Has helped me immensely
And learn fetch, play tug, get that dog some exercise - mental and physical. But you gotta have fun too! My dog didn’t take to tug quickly but he’s learned to love it now. Doggy push ups- with treats. Sit, down, sit, down, sit, down- treat…and again. Check out Method K9 on youtube. She’s incredible and shares incredible info
@lost_soul Hi! I noticed on the walk when the other dog was wagging his tail your dog (like my dog USED to do was lunging and barking) and my dog weighs 80lbs and looks very similar to your dog, they are strong.

I learned a technique with my dog I am 58F and I walk her alone & always worry about these situations too. I will turn around on the days I don't feel I have the strength to handle her, but sometimes it happens so fast.

So I watched some videos...The next time you take a walk with Miles..bring lots of treats..practice on the dead end tugging on her harness and calling her name till she looks at you and then TREAT.....Do this for about 4 days....that way she knows when you tug she has to pay attention to YOU.

Then...when you feel in "control" enough that she listens when you call her while she is pulling so that she stops and waits for her treat...then approach your first walk with a potential to see a dog or a person.

What she is doing is protecting you because you have not shown her that you are the boss of where she goes, by that tug on the leash when she is doing nothing wrong.

On the first walk, I was scared crap...the first time she spotted someone 2 blocks away and started to stiffen and pull faster and faster, I did the tug, told her to look at me gave her a treat....the first time I took a detour, but during the detour she kept wanting to look back & I kept telling her to look at me and treated her.

Now we are at the point where today I had my ex husband with me....so I felt safe to pass the dog...the whole time we were passing, I had her focused on me taking treats from my hand...good girl, good girl, good girl......we did it.

It takes alot.

As far as medications, I am against all for dogs unless medically necessary, thyroid, other stuff...but since your dog has been on medications I TRULY believe that the ONLY medication that your dog needs is Clonozepam, it is an anti-anxiety medication.

Your dog & my Dog have high anxiety which is why they are acting out. I do believe this medication would be very helpful for your dog as well & I do think your vet would be open to this if you have all this documentation and nothing else has worked.

I totally get your wifes point of view because this is not MY DOG....it is my sons dog and he works all day...I don't want to put up with this anxiety on a daily basis so I am working so hard on the training & that is really what it takes TONS of POSITIVE TRAINING WITH TREATS.

As far as the TV jumping episode....that is pent up excitement.

Miles, like my sons dog....a WALK is not enough....lots and LOTS of play.

When we come back from our mile walk in the morning, we have to at least play for 1/2 hour in the back fetching the ball or the stick...before she is tired.

I do notice she only whines and acts like I see Miles acting when she is not exercised enough....and I will be honest, she is NOT exercised enough everyday, but the days she is...make a big DIFFERENCE.
@lost_soul OP PLEASE take into consideration that a lot of the people on here calling for BE are also anti pitbull. I rarely ever see ppl suggesting it when dog mentioned is any other breed. Have you talked to a reputable animal behavioralist (legitimate/veterinarian, lot of phony ones out there)

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