Vets can’t figure out what’s wrong


New member
I have 2 dogs 1 German Australian Shepherd and 1 Lab/Australian Shepherd. They Both started having diarrhea with a little blood at the end. It is off and on for the past 2 weeks. It does seem to be a dire situation since there gums have still looked good, they continue to play, eat, and drink. Since this started I took them off of there food and have been feeding them chicken and rice which has seemed to help. I have taken them to the vet twice. First time Received antibiotics(this seemed to help but they started having issues right after finishing the antibiotics) the vet gave me another round of antibiotics until I was able to see them again. These did not help. When I went back they gave them both dewormer medicine and took a fecal sample. They used this to test for worms and coccidia which came back negative. Just looking for any advice for what could be going on with them. Thank you

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