Trying to decide if I should put my lab mix (f/8) with anxiety down

@ttobe2 I think you should find a behaviorist for the dog and a family therapist for yourself and your husband.
This reads like you're both extremely stressed out and exhausted and the dog isn't the only reason.
@ttobe2 Former vet tech and dog trainer; it's okay to consider euthanasia.

Of course, it's the last option to be considered, but OP, you really sound like you've been doing everything you can for your dog. People on this thread might jump on you for bringing the subject up, and will question you endlessly but they can't know your situation. You, your vet, and other professionals you've consulted are the ones that can understand your dog and situation.

I am a bit worried that as your child gets bigger, they may become a target for aggressive outbursts if they reappear. Kids tend to bring that out in dogs by pulling on them, cornering them, getting too close to high-value objects, etc. If your dog is willing to attack its terrier housemate, I'd be willing to bet it may bite your child. Since it can happen in seconds, you may not be able to intervene, and is something to consider.

For bigger or medium dogs, 8 years is a decent lifespan, as they usually make it between 10 to 14 years at most. So if you've given your dog everything you can, be at peace with whatever you decide. It's a difficult situation to be in, and I can tell you care for the dog.

Agree also that it sounds like there might be issues with the husband, but everyone's saying it so I'll leave it at that.
@ttobe2 I’m not going to pile on your husband, but wanted to contribute that we used to get prozac from Costco for our cat for >$10 a month so it does not have to be too costly. Also, in a different setting she may be a very different dog. I’ve known dogs that went from anxiety ridden, randomly agressive terrors to happy farm dogs when given space and a job. I would say it’s at a minimum worth a call to your nearest lab rescue or ASPCA. Vets are awesome, but not always the best source for behavioral help.
@ttobe2 This sounds like more of a shitty husband situation, I'm sorry. Can yoy reconsider rehoming her? There must be another kind soul out there that will love her, that also has more capability to.