Trying to Decide if Chemo is the right thing to do


New member

Hello, we've just been told our 8 year old dog has lymphoma. It has been sent off to the lab, so we don't know if it's b cell or t cell yet.

We have been given the offer of doing chemo which we may do. We just don't know anyone that has had a dog with cancer. I'm just looking for personal stories or your thoughts about what you would do.

She started being sick (sometimes diarrhea (she was having accidents in the house) and random bouts of throwing up) around the end of December. We did a stool sample and it didn't really show anything different from the original one we brought in. So we did antibiotics and a bland diet and forti-floral. No change really and she started having every poop be mush/liquid diarrhea and then she wouldn't eat any combo of food we gave her (chicken/rice, beef/eggs, just eggs, just some pumpkin on kibble etc). Nothing of substance. So we did more antibiotics and the science diet GI, started with wet and when to kibble. Which she loved for like a week. Somewhat formed stools but then back to not eating and having accidents again (always just diarrhea). Some having bits of blood. We did a GI panel and when they came back she only was mildly low in some of the results. So we started adding folate supplements, Prednisone and the Rx science diet for skin problems (vet thinking maybe an allergy started). She was on that strictly for a week and when we got to the one pill a day for prednisone she stopped eating. She was having 3-4 accidents a day (it was just at night before). Then Wednesday (3/9) she threw up 4 times in a short amount of time. She had nothing to throw up, so it turned to dry heaving. Thursday we called the vet and he wanted to do an ultrasound since she should be getting better not worse. He did say was concerned about cancer. Friday came and they called us around 2 to say her colon was full of tumors and her inguinal lymph nodes had tumors. We had them biopsy the lymph nodes.

She's always been healthy our other dog is the one full of problems. We are heartbroken.
@vso I know this post is 7 months old but maybe OP will see this reply. Today I got confirmation that my dog has lymphoma. I also don't know if it's T or B cell yet and our next appointment to determine that as well as a path forward is over a week from now. So I'm just curious to hear what's happened with OP's dog since they posted. I came to reddit searching for stuff about dog cancer since I"m also heartbroken. OP please reply or PM me if you don't mind sharing your experience.
@sabin Got confirmation that the swollen lymph nodes are from lymphoma today. Estimated 2 months to live. Did you decide to do chemo in the end?
@wolfy Yes, we've done 3 weeks of chemo and he's responding well to it. I probably can't afford to do much more but he's happy and comfortable so I'm hoping to at least get through the holidays. My vet never gave me an estimated amount of time left though. I send you and your fur baby lots of love.

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