Tomorrow, r/dogs will also join the subreddit blackout in protesting Reddit’s recent actions


New member
Hello all,
Tomorrow, r/dogs will be joining the rest of the participating subreddits in an organized blackout as protest against Reddit’s recent actions with regard to third party apps and API usage. Our decision is unanimous amongst the active moderator team and was made after careful consideration of both the movement’s momentum as well as Reddit’s response to community efforts thus far. If you are unfamiliar with the current goings-on, please see the nicely detailed summaries found in r/ModCoord and r/AskHistorians.

We are uncertain as to exactly how the situation will play out following the two day blackout, and our decision as to what will happen thereafter has yet to be made.

Above all, we are grateful to be able to support this community and its place in Reddit as a whole.

the r/dogs moderators
@raptordesign There's one that is very loosely affiliated with the sub. It should be in the sidebar somewhere, maybe on old reddit.

Edit: eh, I can't find it. Maybe /@laternonjuror can get you a link for the discord.
@wheatly The sub will likely be set to private. If you are subscribed it will no longer show up, posts and comments you have made will not show on your profile. Some subs have already started to go dark.
@roseandlavender The sub will likely go private which removes it from your subreddit list if you subscribe. Comments and posts will not be accessible.

If you choose to participate, don't use reddit for these days. Don't browse, post or comment.

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