dO yOu hAvE OpEnInG fOr fLuFfy tOdAy oR tOmOrRoW?

@aspiller1998 It’s absolutely ridiculous! The amount of entitlement people have is insane these days. I work at a petco salon and we usually close around 5. The other day it was about 5:30, I had cleaned and closed the salon, the lights were off and everything! I was standing over by the register because I was waiting for my floor worker friend’s shift to finish so we could go out. Some woman walks in with her dog and starts looking around the dark grooming desk all confused and she stands there for like 3 whole minutes. Then she comes up to the register to ask why no one has come to help her lol. I tried to tell her grooming was closed and I guess she maybe read my jacket that said stylist. So she completely ignores what I said and proceeds with “you’re the groomer right? I need my dog groomed.” and I tell her again “I’m sorry, grooming is closed, we close at 5.” THIS LADY SERIOUSLY SAYS “well you’re still here, can’t you just take her in now??” It took everything in me not to laugh in her face. I told her “ma’am I apologize but I’m leaving in a few minutes, I’m just waiting for my friend to finish her shift. And even if we were open the salon is appointment only, we don’t take walk ins.” She proceeds to get upset, call me names, rant about how “this is ridiculous” , complain about how we treat our customers, yadda yadda yadda, you know all the usual absurd things people say. I just couldn’t believe she really expected me to literally open the entire salon back up and stay late just for little old her. These people really think the world revolves around them. I’m convinced they don’t see customer service workers as living people who have lives and feelings rather than little machines that do everything they ask.
@aspiller1998 I don't care if I'm in my house in my pajamas eating ice cream and streaming netflix, I do not have an appointment that day nor do I have one tomorrow. Once you do it once they will never call ahead. I don't even care if I'm hurting for money, I won't do it.

The only people I will make an exception for is somebody that has been a long-term good call ahead client that has a true situation. Maybe they got into sap or gum or skunking. Honestly I don't do a lot of skunkigs. I give them links to websites LOL but that's it. And sure as hell not for new client.
@blessedsimpleguy My Tzu puppy got into some gum, and I was so happy when my groomer squeezed me in for an Emergency 20 minutes. I didn't expect a full groom just help shaving the gum out. I get nervous around clippers and scissors lol and my puppy gets all squirmy with me but evidently not with my groomer or vet.
@aspiller1998 I just had to tell someone our first available with any groomer is 8/29..she was like hmm maybe I can. Make that work I said we also have the 4th, 6th etc. she’s like oh as in this week..I’m like no I just said FIRST available was 8/29..”how is that possible..I never wait that long…” well now you are. And for a fact I know she’s waited atleast 3 weeks before.
@aspiller1998 I have had people walk in with their dogs and ask for a groom right then and there. Also don’t bring any shot records. Expect it to be done quickly. And always want really specific and long haircuts on their poorly managed dogs usually matted. People are bat shit crazy.
@aspiller1998 You're not the only one. I had someone text me on Sunday at 11:30a wanting an appointment that day. They even said other groomers didn't work on weekends and they were booked for weeks. I told them I didn't work weekends either and gave them my next availability. Never heard back. I only have a couple of exceptions to my weekends but they are few and far between

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