Thinking about quitting salon I’m at, please tell me if I’m overreacting


New member
I’m 22yo and started my grooming journey at petsmart back in 2020. I was a bather for a few months, got moved up to a groomer and did that for about another two years.

Left grooming entirely because of the typical corporate problems and took almost the entire year of 2023 off. Came back around October-September and started working at a mom and pop shop.

Now, I absolutely love the environment and everyone’s super nice. But it’s an old shop that was started up in ‘89 and the owner as well as the two other groomers that work there are all 60+.

So with that entails,
  1. They only consider dematting a dog to be brushing so I don’t get paid extra for shaving down matted dogs. Base price for all small breed haircuts is $55, medium dogs may be $60-$80 and for big dogs it’s between 100-120. So there are days where I’m doing fully grown out pelt matted dogs for $27.50 if they’re like a shi tzu or about $50-$60 for something like a bernedoodle since I make 50% commission. And if I do brush, I get $5 for every 15 minutes.
  2. We take A LOT of crazy/senile dogs. The owner almost never says no. I’ve done dogs that are screaming every time you touch them or dogs that can’t even stand up. I’ve done dogs with serious medical problems like open bleeding sores or little wounds and I’ve even been forced to pull string out of a dog’s butt despite expressing it wasn’t safe. If owner wants a clean face but the dog doesn’t like it or is biting, I’ve been told to just pin the dog down and ‘get it done’. I also do not get paid anything extra for doing dogs like this. I’m just expected to hope for a good tip.
  3. I do at least 70% of big dogs. I get that I’m young but literally last week, I had two golden doodles and two bernedoodles who all had to get shave downs. I had to get them done before 4pm and they got there around 10:30-11. These were 80+ pound dogs that really did not like grooming. One of those dogs also bruised me up pretty badly. There is not a single day that I don’t have at least two or three big dogs on top of another three to five smaller dogs. Many times I’m forced to stop in the middle of grooming because a client randomly walked in and has a big dog and the owner wants me to start immediately. Not to mention to I do both bath dogs and haircuts. One groomer can’t do big dogs because of health problems and the owner themselves has their spouse help wash/dry all of THEIR dogs.
  4. Our schedule is a handwritten ledger. So I have no actual idea what dogs will be coming in on any given day. We only write down names of the dogs and their parent. Meaning I have no way to prepare myself each shift. Our ‘profiles’ are also handwritten cards. So most times I end up stuck with dogs that the other two groomers don’t want to do. Then they allow people to choose when THEY want their dog back, no matter how many I already have, so I’m always on a time restraint.
  5. There is no worker’s comp or benefits. So I’m getting to a point where I’m worried that if anything major happens, I’ll just SOL. I’ve already had the feeling in one of my hands go out completely and I wasn’t able to move it for a few minutes. Recently I had a really badly bruised hand that kept me up at night due to the pain.
Like I said before, everyone is SUPER nice and welcoming. I can come into work when I choose and they’re very lenient with me needing any time off. But I feel like I’m losing my mind. I’m about to start taking classes to become a bartender and found a school that’ll also help me get a job.

I love grooming and a lot of days I’m very proud of my work. But I feel like these are all valid reason to leave right? Or am I overthinking it?

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!
@lr2013 That's a crap place to work. Their systems and way of scheduling is outdated, they're unsafe, you're underpaid, and they take dogs they shouldn't. It's only a matter of time until there's an incident. No worker's comp or benefits on top of that. Do they even have any kind of vet insurance in case something happens? I'm guessing no. They're taking advantage of you and that makes 'em not nice. Run.
@amylw No vet insurance that I know of. If a dog is cut, we’re told to use liquid bandage and just tell the client. Surprisingly no one’s complained about that but I think it’s because the owner has really loyal clients and they all sympathize because they know they’re older. Plus the shop is unfortunately known for taking dogs that corporate salons won’t take due to health or safety issues
@amylw Definitely wasn’t like this at first or at least I didn’t notice. I think I’ve stayed this long mainly bc I felt bad bc they’re all older. The only other young person left the same day I started. Should’ve taken that as a sign probably
@lr2013 Working somewhere that you're 'forced to pull string out of a dogs butt' (which could lacerate the intestines and potentially kill the dog) and are being told to pin dogs down and 'just get it done' doesn't sound like anywhere worth working. I bet if something happened and one of those dogs got injured it would be your ass on the line because you were the one doing the grooming. What happens when you get bit trying to pin down a big dog who doesn't wanna cooperate? You're just fucked because this salon doesn't sound like it cares about you (or the dogs) in the slightest.
@jesusboosted I think the biggest problem is the salon has gotten as far as it has on people pleasing. They like that they can bring their dog in any kind of way without any repercussions or extra fees. I didn’t even add that we do not check for rabies paperwork or keep any of it on file. We simply ask the owners to write down the vet they go to and trust that they’re being truthful about vaccinations
@lr2013 This is absolutely unacceptable. This puts you and all of the dogs at risk. They aren’t paying you enough for that shit. I’m sure another salon would love to have you!
@kayreborn Which I totally agree. I’ve really only stayed as long as I have because I feel bad for them. They’re all elderly so I do kind of look at them like grandparents. I truly did think I was helping at first but I don’t like forcing dogs to do anything. Especially old ones.
@kayreborn You’re right. The empath in me is always trying to sympathize with people. I’m hoping to leave within the next two or three weeks. I find myself asking how they’ve managed to do all this for 40+ years
@lr2013 ...I wouldn't dream of taking my dog somewhere that doesn't require proof of rabies. Start looking harder at that bartending school and see how quickly you can get out of this nightmare of a job.
@nymradel It has to be but I really have no idea. We do keep all dogs in separate cages or only in cages with their siblings. But I can genuinely say I’ve never seen anyone actually show any proof of vaccinations or heard the owner ever ask for it.