Thinking about getting a puppy? Be ready

@coursesdirect We’ve only had our puppy for 3 weeks now but things get better every day! They play a lot more and the older dog lets the puppy lay near him when they’re relaxing. Our puppy just doesn’t have the social acumen of an older dog! They’re much more bitey, and we try to be near when they’re playing to redirect to a toy and make sure they’re not biting each other. We let the older one set boundaries, and as long as the older one isn’t aggressive- it’s OK to let them set audible boundaries. Our house has basement main level and upstairs, so older dog and puppy can get separation if needed.
@jwin That is so helpful, thank you! I have somehow forgotten how nuts my current 6 year old dog was as a puppy and to be honest, he’s now quite a well behaved dog for the most part, but he’s still got his puppy energy about him, even now. So it will be interesting to see how he does with the new actual puppy! Thanks again!
@pastmoon My mom said this exact thing about our family dog and I never really understood it until I got a puppy of my own. Though, there are probably more puppies in my future whereas my mother will never take responsibility for a dog ever again, even though she loves them.

Both puppies were/are good puppies like yours. Even with all the good luck with their behavior, it's still a lot of work and means that I say "no" to a lot of things I would rather say yes to. The puppy dictates when I go to the grocery store, which friends I go see and when, and if I get to shower after a work out.

Puppies cramp your style, if you have it to begin with.

On the flip side of that, my puppy means that I'm friends with new people in my neighborhood that I would have never otherwise met thanks to morning "puppy parties" at the nearby park. This means that I have friends who are twice my age, married, with teenage children. Even though we are in dramatically different phases of our lives, it's fun to hang out together. It's cool to be friends with my neighbors. I haven't had that since childhood.

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