The most annoying thing ever is when they take forever finding a poop spot and/or they end up not even pooping during the walk


New member
I literally just can't. I can't force em to poop fast or just right away but it annoys the hell out of me when my 6 month old poopy-faced cloud just keeps wandering around then almost does her poop squat... GETS DISTRACTED BY ANOTHER PERSON/DOG walking by, and it's a hard reset... and you know... sometimes she doesn't even go poop. It's so annoying especially if she hasn't pooped in a while. LIKE JUST GO POOP. GAHH. honestly it's the distraction that gets to me. she was so close to pooping then sees a guy throwing trash away.... and we walked for another 20 min and no luck... watehver, she better hold that sh't in for another 4 hours which is her next walk ugh. I'm only super annoyed today because she's going through a terrible stomach bug and hasn't pooped in 24 hrs (she had explosive diarrhea almost 15x since Friday night) and I would like to see how her poop is TODAY 😭😫

I live in an apartment complex btw. And before anyone wonders, we went to the vet for her stomach bug and is taking meds and vet food.

Anyways here's the baby girl 🙄 sorry for sounding like a b*tch, I barely got sleep this weekend cuz of her sickness.

PUPPY PICS updated cuz I didn't think this was get alot of attention. I'm kinda glad I am not the only one feeling this way lol
@stevechase I hate to add to your misery, but at 20 months, my dog is still the pickiest f’ing pooper I’ve ever seen and god help me if she gets distracted … leaves blowing, a vehicle waaaaaay down the road, her imagination. We go to the same spot every time but she has this schedule in her brain that tells her when she is to find a new spot. So much fun!
@celtish Lol! Omg sounds like my pup 🤣 sometimes I kinda just snap and whisper to her "can you PLEASE find a poop spot NOW", hoping she'd understand in my ideal world but of course she doesn't and just wags her tail at me and stares happily 😌
@justincann I used to do that and then I got worried - because this is insane I’ve gotten - I was putting undue pressure on her, like I was giving her a command she didn’t know over and over.
@jayason My dog learned "good boy go poop" as both praise and instructions. Many years later, I'll say it and he'll either walk off to poop or head right for the house because he doesn't need to go. He does not mess in the house.
@stevechase Lol, I actually find it helpful to say “do a poopy, do a poopy, puppy!:))” in a friendly manner, when around the certain spots. Gets shit done in minutes! Though I still walk her for at least an hour after that:D
@tbanks3369 Same?! I do something like “what about this spot tho?” And point somewhere where I know she has pooped before and then usually she starts pooping!! Not always but still. Or when she is distracted while preparing for poop I’ll say “keep your focus is poopy time” and she’ll go back to it
@celtish Yeah, especially now here where I live most of the snow just melted. And that means all of the poop and pee is now available for him to sniff. He's 9 months now but with all the interesting smells the pooping situation is like when he was 3 months.

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