Teeth (self x/post from r/dogtraining)


New member
Might not be the right place every but I thought it more apt the r/dogs :p

Anyhoo, my jack Russel pup is now 6 months old. All her adult teeth seem to have come through fine, but the lower puppy canines are still hanging on, with the adult canines on the inside.
Everything looks OK, the adult teeth looking pretty straight /not wonky.

How long should we leave them before heading down the vets?
Does anyone in the UK know how much it is to have teeth like these pulled? Or what is involved?

@missjo Our girl has the same thing going on on the top. The vet mentioned that she'd just pull any leftover babies when they put her under to be spayed, so they don't have to do the anesthesia more than once. Maybe that helps?
@missjo Most vets recommend spaying at around 6 months old. I know that the vet hospital I used to work at charged next to nothing to pull any baby teeth that haven't fallen out, maybe 10-20 dollars a tooth. (Cheap compared to 100 for extracting an adult tooth.)
@missjo Yep. We're doing it around 6 months – coming up in a few short weeks actually!

Side note: there are a whole slew of reasons to get her lady bits fixed up, you should definitely do it. Can tend to be expensive, but if doing it or not is a money issue there are tons of groups out there that help with free or low cost spay / neuter!

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