My dog drinks excessive amounts of water and then proceeds to relieve herself constantly. How do I get her to learn self control?

@cindy8375 She could have all sorts of medical issues going on. You guys really need to see a vet.

And, if you have a 12 week old puppy, who has never seen a vet...what are you waiting for? Puppies need vaccines on a very exact routine, including rabies at about 4-6 months.

Go make a vet appointment ASAP.

Some puppies, including retriever puppies have an actual obsession with water, but if this puppy has never been to a vet, she needs to go NOW.

We’ve tried all the methods google

Not a vet. And she needs one.
@davecb Yeah our puppy had shots at 11 weeks, and 16 weeks, and 20 weeks, etc. Until the vet told me not to come back anymore until he gets neutered, basically.

Please take her to a vet. Mutt or not, at least go get the peace of mind. This is abnormal in a pup so young.
@davecb She sees a vet periodically. We took her as soon as we got her. And have been taking her the amount our vet recommended. She has her vaccines. I was simple asking if this is something I should be super concerned about.
I’ve already made an appointment I just have to wait for availability
She has her vaccines.

I'm surprised that when you took her in last, you didn't get an appointment for her next set. usually when you're paying and checking out they tell you what the next step is.

This is important enough that if you can Uber with her, I would do so and not wait for your partner to be able to drive you.
@davecb Uber doesn’t go out of city limits. I live out of city limits.
Our vet is a relatively busy one so they email you with the next appointment days, since it’s technically my fiancés dog he’s the one who handled that stuff.