Surprised this sub doesn’t have more members

@tp70000fun The more I learn about dog breeding, the less I'm surprised by this subs member count. Dog breeders are often comprised of older persons, whom are not good with technology, and already have thier existing support structures if they are internet users.
@youcanjustcallmedory Pretty spot on. I'd also add the stigma that has been placed around breeders. I tend to move with caution on certain sites to avoid having to defend myself. I'm not sure if thats just me though.
@tp70000fun The reproduction Facebook groups are pretty informative. I don’t think there’s a lot of crossover with Reddit and dog breeders in general. I do think it could have great potential if it had more members though and was moderated heavily (no stud dog posts etc., discouraging backyard breeding). Also I suspect that a lot of us are just really busy, I know I don’t get on Reddit that much between shows and the dogs and work!

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