Shaved Double-Coated Dog


New member
Hi guys!
I'd like to start off with, yes, I know, I suck. I already am upset with myself but this has happened, so now I need advice on how to move forward.

Okay, so, I have a Malamute/Husky. She is 2 y/o and amazing! I brush her sort of often, probably 2/3 times a week! But I made a HUGE mistake yesterday. I took her a bath (Her second bath with me) and I completely f**'d up by NOT BRUSHING HER. She had a huge mat on her back that probably measured a foot by 6inches. My mind was completely in a different place and I have no idea what happened to me. It was such a stupid mistake, but anyhow. I took her to the groomers first thing this morning. I let them know that I was happy with whatever they wanted as long as Maya was comfortable without a huge mat on her back. When I picked her up, Maya's whole body was shaved.

So now I am here because I have read countless times that double-coated dogs should not be shaved. I am in no way upset with my groomer because I know she simply did what she thought was best! My problem is that when I have googled how to take care of shaved double-coated dogs, the only results I get are people telling readers not to.

So what are some things that I should do to keep her as healthy as possible? We live in the PNW so temperatures are relatively cool and I already minimize the amount she is out in the sun. Should I carry an umbrella? Should I continue brushing her 3 times a week or should I start brushing her everyday? Is there anything I can give her? What do I do?!?!?

I made a terrible mistake and now my double-coated dog is shaved. I would like some tips for how to care for her and make this fur growth transition as smooth as possible.

Thanks everyone!!
@bc33 Use a gentle rubber curry comb like a zoom groom to brush her down for a few minutes a day. It’ll be fall soon, so she might not be back to full weather proofing by the time it gets cold, but a sweater is plenty.

Is she shaved very short all over or short where the mat was and longer on the body?
@bc33 Definitely switch to brushing her every day, it'll help stimulate her skin and hair to stay healthy (distribute her natural oils all overher body as well as massaging the hair follicles to help it grow back). As it grows back to full length she won't be able to properly blow her coat so she'll need tour help to shed. :3 I hope this helps get her back to her floofy self
@bc33 Also make sure she is dried thoroughly to the skin every time she is wet as undercoat is water absorbent and it could irritate her skin. Good luck!
@bc33 If you can see any skin, then you might want to put sunblock on those areas until the hair is a bit longer, but that's really the only danger from shaving down a double coated dog.

Yes, everyone tells you it'll never be the same, but I've never encountered that, the coat has always grown back perfectly. I shaved my double coated dog for years because he overheated and we lived in a very warm climate. His coat was so thick that even being shaved-shaved, you couldn't see any skin. And his coat grew back every winter, just as lovely and soft as it was before.

It's a bit like people who tell you the hair on your legs grows back thicker once you start shaving. Uh, no. It might feel thicker because it's short, but it's objectively false.

Maybe get her a jumper or coat if she's feeling the chill, but it shouldn't be long now before her winter coat starts coming in.
@imagebeastmarkbeast Thank you for this! Luckily there is no visible skin!
& thanks for sharing your experience! I was worried about her coat not coming in the same as before but this is a very good point! I did read that fish oil may help (?) so I did go ahead and get her some of that!
I do plan on getting a coat for her! We are still in the transition of summer and fall, so the weather can get pretty warm for her!

Thank you again!!
@imagebeastmarkbeast How often would you give your poodle fish oil? I am unsure if I am to give her fish oil each time she eats (3 small meals) or simply once a day. The bottle does not really specify this, it only says how many pumps to give her. I'm hoping you'd have better insight?
@bc33 I just drizzled it on her food. She was fed once a day.

She did used to get 2 meals a day but she was eating Andy's breakfast as well as her own, so she was getting 3 meals a day!

You can break it up or give it all with one meal. I'd probably give a little with each meal.