Dad Shaved Husky’s Fur!! How to keep her cool w/o her coat?

@thepozz Im sure you have already, but I’d send your dad a couple articles about how shaving double-coated dogs is very bad for them. He could’ve just ruined your dogs fur, it may not grow back the same. Make him feel really bad because he absolutely deserves to. Dogs shed, it’s part of pet ownership.
@imjustwierd94 Yeah wtf. Makes me wonder how old op is and like what is going on there.. Dad has to accept some boundaries or shouldn’t be in possession of a dog, if he can’t take proper care of it..
@trout11 24 so adult lol. My dad just thinks he knows best because he’s “old” when all of this could of been avoided if he listened to me or even used google. But even when I showed him articles saying it was bad he ignored it. He’s not an idiot but he’s hella stubborn and hard headed.
@thepozz He sounds like an idiot that might get your dog killed in the future if things like this aren’t snipped in the bud right away.

You do realize he just abused your dog right?
@thepozz Your dad is an idiot if he refuses to listen to reason and just believes he’s right. Your dad sounds like my dad, who refuses to crate train their dog (or do any training) and then get mad when he poops in the house overnight. They’ve had the dog like 8 months and he barely knows his own name, let alone how to do the most simple of demands like “sit”.

If your dad refuses to change his ways, refuses to read any articles, and refuses to admit he’s wrong, then he’s absolutely an idiot. So are my parents, and they never should’ve gotten a puppy.
@thepozz He's just gonna do it again when he's gets new razors. I'd personally be standing in between my dad and dog and probably threatening violence, not hiding razors. Dad needs to back down or else your dog is going to have a miserable life.
@thepozz Here is about dog sunscreen.

If your dog tolerates clothes, I use these dog shoes in summer because they have holes on top and no insulation. Dogs sweat through their paws. I doesn't hold it in and he won't burn his paws.

They also make cooling dog vests.

I would recommend getting a rake for your dog to help release the undercoat, if you don't have one. This kind. Not the kind with blades to cut the undercoat. Straight pin. During shedding season, you have to brush daily. Removing the undercoat as it sheds will help the coat grow back properly. Keep brushing until it grows back in. Then keep brushing.

Good luck.

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