Double checking my breeder's advise..

@imagebeastmarkbeast This. Show poodles aren't bathed or groomed the same as a pet going to the groomer. I too have bathed my show poodle in things like pantene and blue dawn. We are currently using chris christensen because that's what works in my bitch's hair but that's just because it's what works on this dog.
@imagebeastmarkbeast I've seen people get crucified on here for saying the life and grooming of a show dog just isn't the same. That we don't brush daily, that we don't use the same cutting skills, etc. The shampoo seems pretty cross discipline but tbh the only people I know willing to put human products on a dog are show people.
@godswill4me For a deep clean and fluff nothing beats dawn for getting the maximum fluff out off a coat. My poodles do not have issues with it. And PS without naming names, many of the top winning competitive groomers use it as a first bath before going in the ring, it degreases the dog so you get a crisp straight coat that is perfect for getting the finish you want in a poodle coat.
@imagebeastmarkbeast I respect your experience as a breeder and show committed person! No one understands their individual animal and their appearance as you guys.

The difference between vets/groomer vs breeder is the knowledge of what worms for their individual animal and their specific line.

I always like to tell my clients that they are their baby's specialist. While I am a generalist.

I might try the dog range first given the other recommendations made here but I will also keep it in mind that for my particular dog, I may find a human product to produce the best outcome!

She is from an prominent show line. So I think the breeder knows the ins and outs of her fur!

Thank you so much for taking time to post your comment. I appreciate your time 💜