Scratching and pulling hair out


New member
In the past two weeks, our 2 y/o dandie terrier mix, has taken to biting his hindquarters and pulling the hair out and even chewing it. During the day it doesn't seem to bother him as much, or if he's super distracted- like visiting with doggie friends. He doesn't have a whole lot of hair on his hind legs or undercarriage- that's how he came to us. I think he's supposed to be hand-stripped, and was groomed poorly in the past. Anyway...

In the evening, it's a nightmare. All night long... he actually nipped MY butt accidentally in the middle of the night waking me up at 3 in the morning! I don't know if it's his food or what.

We've fed him the same dry food since forever. We've been through a myriad of wet food, trying to find one that won't make him gassy. Found something great! Love it (I know it's a cheaper brand, but Cesar savory delights chicken with carrots and crap in the middle- green label). Every market has stopped carrying it and so I've been cycling through different types of that same food. I got rid of the recent purchases, because I think it might be contributing to the biting skin issues.

I'm making him a vet appointment ASAP.

That all being said: is there a reason I can't just cook some chicken and feed it to him with green beans for his wet food? Or is there some magic stuff happening in wet food that he needs?

Bonus picture of him in his favorite daytime spot.

TL;DR: My dog is pulling his hair out. This is super new. Might be food. Can I just feed him some chicken? Made vet appt.
@bella304 Chicken alone won't give him the nutrition he needs but if you get into the vet soon, it should be fine for a day or two. Typically vets suggest white rice to go with the chicken as a belly filler when they have upset stomach. If green beans help fill him up, all the better.

In the meantime, prevent him from flank biting as much as you can. It's a common compulsion in some dogs, and even if that's not the case here, it's best not to let him practice it.

Edited to add - I have a soft spot for the Dinmont hairdo. I hope you get his problems under control quickly.
@richardson217 I couldn't just feed him Chicken along with his regular dry food? Does everyone feed wet and dry?

Yeah. My husband read to put a little Vicks on the affected areas, as then he smells it and doesn't want to bite. We did that last night, poor baby. But it's greasy and gross (I have an aversion to Vicks).

I have a soft spot for the Dinmont hairdo.

I love his little foofy head. Thanks for your good thoughts.
@bella304 Sorry, I missed that he has dry too! No, not all dogs even eat wet food. Many just eat dry.

Watch to make sure the menthol doesn't bother the spot. Vick's has camphor, though, which is actually an anti-itch agent.

I have the same aversion.
@bella304 So I home cook my dogs food. My dogs look beautiful and it's cut back on a lot of their allergies. There are a few books you should look at, if you pm me I can send you the info on all mine when I am in my kitchen again. The one author I can remember off hand is a vet names dr. Greg Martinez dvm. He also had a youtube channel where he gives a crash course on home cooking, and many other doggie issues. It's very very cool. He has been known to answer questions on Facebook, also. But definitely do your homework before changing your dog's diet or home cooking.

My dogs get a mixture that roughly contains 40% rice/beans 40% meat (usually poultry with the bones. They need bone meal and marrow but PLEASE BE CAREFUL with that) and 20% veggies. I do throw eggs in there, sometimes a bit of ham or fish, and occasionally beef. And in the morning they get a breakfast with Greek yogurt and squash or molasses. I mix it up and rotate things for flair, and my fuzzy piggies are spoiled so they end up helping my husband burn through lunch meats most days. They also get a multivitamin daily just to make sure they get what they need.

This is what is right for my dog. Yours may need something different and more specific. I've got a couple awesome books just for that but I can't remember the names off hand. PM me to remind me, and I'll get those titles to you in the morning.

Talk to the vet, avoid allergens and irritants like oats and scented shampoo. Dr. Martinez goes over correct dosing on certain medicines you can give for allergies and itching on youtube. You could try that and see if it helps.

Best of luck to you both. I really hope I was of help. Just lemme know if you want the info on those books.
@bella304 Possibly an anal gland issue, especially considering the amount of tear stains around his eyes. What food are you feeding him? And have you been changing proteins regularly? It's probably time for a change to a better food.