Safe coffee-flavored dog treats?


New member
I have a 2.5 year old 7 pound Chihuahua rescue who absolutely LOVES the smell of coffee. Obviously, we never let him have any, but the way he acts with it makes me think he may have gotten some in his previous home, because he begs his hardest whenever anyone in my house makes coffee.

I'm not going to give him actual coffee for many reasons, but Christmas is coming up, and I'd love to get him some coffee flavored treats if I can find some. I tried looking on Google Shopping, but no luck. If anyone has any recommendations, I would greatly appreciate it!

Oh, and I'm in the Northeastern U.S. if that helps.
@mr_mcbride I would go with stinky treats. You’re probably not gonna find any treats that smell like coffee but if he likes the smell, he probably is just attracted to very pungent smells.
@mr_mcbride I think Presidio Pets Off-Leash Trainers chicken and beef flavors both smell like coffee but my partner doesn't agree, and I imagine a dog's nose is substantially more discerning. I don't think there are any intentionally coffee-flavored dog treats.