Recall training methods


New member
Just wondering what training methods people on this sub prefer to use when it comes to teaching recall to your dogs.

How old was your dog when you taught them?

How long did it take?

How effective is it? Do they come 10/10 times? Does it work in every environment with other dogs around?

My personal case is I have a 8 month of BMD, he comes when called every time in the house but out in a park it’s like 7/10 times. If there are other dogs around it’s 0/10 times.

I’m just looking for ways to get my dog to focus on coming to me when called when he has those distractions. Right now I constantly have to have him on a long line but I really want to get him to a point where I can fully trust him off leash.
@rottenfisher IMO, an ecollar is the only surefire way to get a response in 100% reliability. There were so many situations we came across that my voice would not have ever sufficed.

My dog was 4 years old, adopted at 3.5 years old from a shelter. As a Doberman, he already had significant built in recall, but with the ecollar to cement it, I could call him off dogs, rabbits mid chase, etc. that no amount of food or verbal command would have done.

It took about 3 days to be honest. I suspect it would have been a lot longer with an average dog with less intensity and existent recall.
@vdenni Doberman are pretty easy to train for a reliable recall but to your point the only way to proof it is with prey. I’ve had Dobes my whole life. Many years and Doberman ago I thought I had 100% reliability on recall. Then I was hacking my horse with that dog, like we did every single day, and a coyote ran out into the field. Well that dog was GONE! I could not follow them into the scrubby bush on my horse when they hit the edge of the hayfield. Had to gallop back and throw on my running shoes and run back. Luckily he was on his way back, exhausted but unscathed. That’s when I started using ecollars.

I train the tone as my recall and it works exceptionally well. If the dog is absolutely trained and blows thru the tone some stim will get them back if my timing is right. If they are actively on prey it’s too late with many dogs.

To get to that point any new dog, pup or adult, is on a leash or longline at all times. Step one is always a focus command (“look!”). We do a lot of “puppy ping pong” back and forth. Always mark and pay for a very long time. Once I have a good working recall at home I start adding distractions and changing locations. When I start with ecollar depends on dog. My now 2 year old Jagdterrier was in his ecollar very early. Probably around 6 mos. He’s not a sensitive dog as one might guess if you know the breed. My 10 month old Dobe is wearing one now but she was 8 months old when we picked her up. She’s a bit behind what my dogs usually are at that age. No stim for her yet, she needs better basics but the tone/recall is mostly installed.

I rarely suggested ecollars to my clients. They are a very good way to ruin a dog. With an educated handler they can be a life saver tho.