r/dogs should join other major subreddit in a blackout protesting Reddit's upcoming API changes. What do you think?


New member
In solidarity with other major subs, r/dogs should go dark to hopefully force reddit to change course in their outrageous upcoming changes to API policy, which would shutdown your favorite third party reddit apps.
@gohusu236 I am 100% for this. Here is why:

I learned about the blackout on a sub for service dogs. As many people know, one of the most common categories for service dogs is guide dogs for blind/visually impaired people. One of the things this change would do is remove 3rd party programs, such as relay services. This would prevent prevent blind/visually impaired people from being able to use Reddit.

Personally, I think this is exclusionary and ableist. As a member of the service dog community, I believe in supporting my fellow handlers, even though my SD isn’t a guide dog. I think this community should show its support and stand with so many other communities, who are fighting to keep Reddit accessible to all.

This sub is about all things dogs. That should include supporting the members of the service dog community who need to utilize 3rd party apps to access Reddit. The service dog sub has decided to join the blackout, as a way to show support for r/blind, which was one of the groups who was specifically cited at being impacted by this change.
@reallifejoke If they ban 3rd party APIs they need to bring about the same accessibility settings these other apps had for free. Otherwise I'm likely leaving if I can't browse the same way I've been doing with RIF for years now.
@lostescape I think there are a ton of people who share your same view, myself being one of them. I enjoy Reddit but can’t give my support to anything that isn’t inclusive to persons with disabilities.
@lostescape I don’t think it’s just you leaving. There are legalities involved with the Americans With Disabilities Act along with requirements that websites are accessible.

I feel like we’re missing something here. They’re really not planning on providing other ways to access accessibility?
@lostescape As a SA (religion involved) survivor, if Reddit doesn’t let me use third party apps or something else my whole family has decided to drop the app because seeing He Gets Us makes me relive every occurrence over and over. Same reason I quit watching g Texas Rangers baseball games.
@chamomiletea That “he gets us” garbage makes me gag. I report it every time it’s shoved into my face but it never goes away. I’m so sick and tired of pseudo Christians using the word of God as a weapon. Disgusting.
@lostescape I think I agree, but I hope this isn't interpreted to mean "Let's wait and see whether Reddit introduces those features before we judge the API policy changes."

Reddit should implement and test these features before it considers changing the API. Honestly it should have implemented them before. They shouldn't even be in a position where they depend on third-party apps to make their site accessible, let alone consider destroying those apps before they've resolved this issue.
@lostescape They're not going to. They can't even provide a good interface for abled people, I don't see them doing anything for disabled people. I've been perpetually pessimistic about the state of this site for the past decade and honestly the only reason I'm still using it is because there is no realistic alternative.

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