Puppy wakes us up at 6am every day by jumping on our bed and licking/clawing at our faces until we get up

And to add now once she’s gone pee and is gated and I go back to bed she’s good until like 9 or 9:30 when I get up.
@schafer I’d like to try this! How long did you have the alarm set to go off at her normal waking time before moving it up? And then did you change the alarm time by a few minutes every day? Thanks!🙏
@cwheezy I think it’s all dependent on the puppy, if it seems like they are understanding then move it up a few minutes at a time. For us I would say after a week she had stopped barking at her normal time and waited for the alarm. Then we moved it up five minutes, and waited until she got it, and so on. I will say we made the mistake around week three of pushing it up too much too quickly. She started barking way before the alarm so we had to regress a little bit. I would say in general if the puppy is waiting for the alarm 90% of the time or self settling before the alarm then move it up. But again that’s dependent on the dog. And regression happens, don’t give up if it does.
@sos2 Mine sleeps in her crate at night. We usually wake her up when we get up around 6:45 on weekdays. On weekends she will sleep in to 8 or 8:30. It also feels a lot safer to me, no chance of her finding something dangerous to chew and swallow while unsupervised at night. We also crate her when she is home alone, for the same safety reason, and occasionally for a nap when she is going berserk from overstimulation. Overall, though I know there are different opinions on them, the crate provides me with a lot of peace of mind.
@sos2 Some dogs are early risers but I gradually pushed back the time my dog woke me up but ignoring his little whimpers (if they bark or get really frisky they might need to pee) my boy since 9 mos let me sleep in to or past 9am lol
@sos2 What happens when you get up with your puppy at 6 am? Does the day’s activities start? My adult dog started waking me earlier and earlier because I always pottied then fed breakfast. She is food motivated so started waking me so breakfast could happen sooner. I learned with my puppy that nothing exciting started until I was ready for the day to begin. If she woke me, a boring potty trip, no attention, no talking, no lights on then back to bed with no fuss. Now she knows not to stir until I, ready to get up.
@sos2 How old is your pup?

I don't have advice, just over here commiserating with you. Somehow, this morning, my puppy laid with me and slept until 7:00. I let him out of his crate around 5am, took him for a bathroom break, then crawled back into bed and let him hop up. He's six months old now. If only he would chill out like that all the time! I was in disbelief that he actually flopped down between me and my boyfriend, shoved his face on my leg and went back to sleep.
@sos2 Not sure how old your pup is, but ours (12 weeks) sometimes wakes us up because she has pee or relieve herself - then she's back to sleep! Might just be the need to go and the subsequent boredom from waiting that's causing them to cause a ruckus. It does help that I also get a weird urge to go pee at 4-5 am haha
@sos2 We crate trained our girl from day one, the first two weeks she was in our room, after that, we put her crate downstairs, cover it, leave the sound machine with the heart beat on and in the mornings we let her out about 6:10ish, the weekends she's been letting us sleep till 7:30 or so, she's 5 months today, we can't imagine letting her free range right now, she's too young, and we can't expect to much from her.
@sos2 Crate training. My boy sleeps happily in his crate every night, covered with a towel, like a birdcage. He can't wait for bedtime and even drags his blankie in there with him. He also eats all his meals in his crate. It's his happy place. In the morning when we get up, the towel comes off and he goes out for morning pee and he comes in and runs straight back to the crate to get his morning Topple. That's a frozen meat treat that keeps him happy and occupied for a good Half an hour or more as we get ready for the day.
@sos2 My dog changed his schedule from 01:30- 11:00am and I’m absolutely in love with it. The way I did it, when he woke up and started screaming i’d take him out to pee with no emotion just the words “go potty,” when he did it alot of enjoyment and love.. I’m sure you can guess the rest.. put on my headphones and went right back to bed. Got it within 3 days I think? He used to wake up at 5 am everyday.
@sos2 I'm going to say it. You do not have to crate your puppy.

People on this subreddit are very pro-crate but, if you have a pup where that's not an option for one reason or another, it's not great advice.

Do not give her attention, other than a wee, until you want to wake up.

Our pup has always slept in the bedroom free roaming with us. He used to wake up at 6am, so we would just take him out for a quick wee then it's straight back to bed. Now he doesn't need to wee at night (11 months), and he knows that he won't be getting food until 8am so he just sleeps in.

As long as the room is puppy proofed, if she just wants to wake up at 6am and play until you get up then that's fine too. If you can trust her to free roam at night, then why not the morning?

Just ignore her waking you up and she'll soon learn the routine.
@sos2 I agree, my pup is crate training and will literally sleep in however long I’m sleeping. I think at some point she can graduate from the crate but at 6months she doesn’t need all that freedom yet! Also she takes herself to her crate now when she’s sleepy and loves it now

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