Puppy wakes us up at 6am every day by jumping on our bed and licking/clawing at our faces until we get up

@sos2 Some dogs will never grow out of it. One of our dogs insisted on getting fed at 5am every morning of his life. He never slept late in his life, and insisted that I couldn’t either. He’s gone now and our current dogs are happy to sleep in with us. It may change and it may not. I sympathize with you and maybe you both can learn to nap after breakfast.
@sos2 I can relate. Mine sleeps in a gated area of the house but wakes me up every morning at 5am by barking. The sleep deprivation sucks. Last night he woke me up at 3am, 5am, and then 7am. I feel like I have an infant. I just want to be able to sleep till 7:30 but dang those 5am wake up calls are brutal.
@sos2 Crate him. I put on relaxing classical music when I crate him at night, or when I’m at work. It seems to calm him, and also my four cats.
@sos2 Time will change things. Also crate training/crating the puppy. I’m sure you have but pushing her last potty break to later. I used to have to wake my dog for dinner and still do as an adult for last potty rounds to ensure he doesn’t try to get me to walk him at 2am. It’s really breed dependent too. My sister has an Aussie who she describes as waking up at 120% every day. My bully mix is more like 25%.
@sos2 My dog was never so bad as clawing at faces to wake us up, but she was an early riser when she was little and would get into things if we didn’t get up with her.

We had a lot of luck with setting alarms later and later until she was used to staying in bed until the alarm went off. By the time she was one we were able to phase out alarms on days we dont need one. Shes almost 2 now and will usually stay in bed or go get a toy to chew on until around 10 in the morning.
@sos2 What we tell ours is it is not time please give us some more time and go back to your nap. This has worked for us and she will listen when we say this. But we have been constantly saying the same thing so just be consistent with what you tell them and they will get it. By the way I also have told mine no licking me it makes me cold but she can do this to my husband no issues so she gets her licks in with him not me
@sos2 We crate as well. I go to bed late so around 9-10 pm she starts out on the couch to rest and wind down and then I put her near her crate when I'm ready to head to bed, give her kisses and tell her I love her and she climbs in and sleeps until I open her cage at 7am. I do realize in this regard we got very very lucky as she came to us like that when she was 4mo.
@sos2 How old is she? Maybe she has to pee? My 10 week old often wakes me up between 4-6 am because she has to pee. As soon as I take her out, we both go back to sleep.
@sos2 Well of course you could crate train your puppy but I really have to ask: how old is your puppy?

Maybe it really really has to go potty and is kind enough to inform you about it?

My puppy at around 3 month can hold for an absolute max of 8 hours a night and thats really already an extremely good time.
@sos2 As others have mentioned, crate or in a gated area. Mine stays in our large bathroom with her essentials: a little kibble, water, pee may, bed, blanket, teddie and her absolute “baby” (one of my hairbands that she stole🤣) with a gate. We leave some of our old clothes on the floor too. She needs her comforts and to be able to see us. When she pulls at the gate or whines too early, we ignore.

Another important thing we learned (mostly from our cat!), expecially as cavapoos seem to thrive on routine, was to not do routine things with them after rising: like feed, go for a walk or anything that they associate with getting up.

Our sweet 22 week girl is an angel. Sleeps 10/11ish to 7am and reminds us of when it’s feed, play, sleep and walk times.
@sos2 Just take him out for a 5 minute walk, he needs to relief and walk a little, that's all, when the puppy became an adult that will no longer be an issue.
@sos2 Never crated my pup he’s not a big fan of inclosed spaces he’s slept on the bottom of my bed since 8 wks sometimes he wakes up at between 3-6am but I don’t mind as I can’t really sleep due to my pain. He is always ready to have a nap later on in the morning with me so what we have works.
@sos2 why does your puppy have free roam/access when you're sleeping? crate her or if you really don't want to, baby gate her in your room next to you. or even crate her in the living room once you've trained her to be in the crate. it will save your sanity.