Puppy wakes us up at 6am every day by jumping on our bed and licking/clawing at our faces until we get up

@sos2 What time is the last walk? When we walk our pup around 11, she'll sleep in. Also, don't listen to the crate crew. Some dogs just don't do well in crates. Maybe it's even illigal in your country. You'll find a way without having to cage your pup.
@sos2 Well my dog loves his crate and sleep there but still wake up us 6:45 o clock haha so I don’t know if that is the real solution. He loves his morning food and is killing us that time 😂
Hopefully getting older he would sleep more, definitely I’m not a early person
@sos2 One of our dogs wakes me up between 6am and 6:30am to pee and eat breakfast everyday. If I put him in a crate, he’d just rattle it until I got him 🤣 I have no problems going back to sleep after I do his morning routine half asleep. Our other dog would never wake me unless it was an emergency need to go out situation. Every dog is different! You will all find a sweet spot.