Puppy Raising during COVID-19 Information Hub

@seek2bboldwitness Puppy food shortage

We have a newly adopted puppy, in our second week. We use Chewy, for our cats so we also placed an order when we got the puppy. Normally they ship and we have the food in two days. Well it hasn’t shipped, it’s need a week and they don’t answer emails. Of course we are in a crazy time right now but they need to at least communicate with their customers. We ordered enough puppy food to last 3 months.

With that being said , today we are down to two days worth. My local mom and pop store had none, grocery store , (just went to see what I can get) nothing. Called two major big box pet stores , only one had two cases left. Had to drive an hour to get it. For you new puppy folks , please start looking now so you don’t get cut short.
@seek2bboldwitness I just got my Bichonpoo 8 week old puppy 3 days ago, and I’m worried about maintaining a routine with working from home. I live in a small studio and she still isn’t crate trained. Any advice on how to get some work done or take a self-care break? 24/7 with a new pup is a lot of work, and I’m worried options like daycare/Rover (neither of which I’ve tried, but I’ve considered) will close
@gustav1988 I’ve been using Rover every week. It’s been completely worth the risk. It’s been the only way he could get dog and human socialization since the Petcos in this area canceled the puppy playtime. It’s all about putting your oxygen mask on first... however I understand the hesitation
@seek2bboldwitness Anyone suddenly taking up dog grooming??

I've got clippers in my online cart and a puffball of a puppy with ragged feet (I've been trimming the feet with sewing shears because they were turning into elf feet)
@kate1989 It is highly dependent of your area, I would check to see what your local government says.

For example, in very close quarters or urban areas it is impossible to stay a fair distance away (off top of my head i can't recall the measure for social distancing) from others or avoid contact. Therefore it may be riskier to walk their dog or be entirely unsafe to do so. People who live in more suburban or rural areas can easily walk their pets without coming within close contact with others. But again Id would verify with local authorities to assess risk.
@seek2bboldwitness I think it’s at least 6 feet. I live in an apartment in a city and am about to pack up my two dogs and move back in with my parents for a few weeks to use their yard haha. everyone’s excited about it except for me!
@kate1989 In my neighborhood it is. Generally I don't touch anyone or anything. We aren't on total lockdown here. I took my pup to the dog park today too. Did not touch the gate with my hand (sleeve) did not shake hands with anyone and washed hands when I got home.

I'm confident I can WFH and keep a normal walk schedule.
@kate1989 totally depends. i live in a very urban area but in my residential area i can easily walk her and not get near anyone. i’ll still be maintaining her walk / park schedule and my running schedule as long as possible.
@seek2bboldwitness Thank you! ... I'm so worried for the animals that need our care. My Golden/Cocker will be 16 weeks on Thurs and I'm doing my best. I taught her to Whisper recently ... the kindergarten equivalent of "The kitty doesn't like the bark yelling. Use your inside voice." Which was a waste of arthritis to try and rationalize that to a puppy. 😁
@seek2bboldwitness My 3 year old child and our 8 week old puppy have been hanging out in the apartment since we got him a few days ago, and its been very soothing during the pandemic situation.

(Preschool is closed and we live in a small apartment!)

The one thing I am worrying about is keeping on track with his vaccines, if the city goes on a complete shutdown, (We're taking him to Banfield).

Oh, and good luck to everyone, stay safe!
@winepress777 Give your vet a phone call and ask them about your concern. Because Banfield is located usually in Petsmarts, it's good to at least be aware of what their situation is or might be.

They'll be able to give you a good idea of what issues you might run into regarding vaccination schedule.
@seek2bboldwitness My 300$ 8 week puppy class was cancelled.
Still trying to get things figured out with the company because they’re a small business and can’t afford to refund but they also don’t know when things will open again. I have concerns because my puppy is now 18 months old, and suffering socially. Afraid of everything. So afraid she has peed herself twice when a friend came over and just said hello. She has to be crated when guests come over because she is so afraid. And I need professional help before she gets to an age where I can’t work on her socializing as easily anymore.
And it’s incredibly difficult to do these online classes.
I just really don’t enjoy it.

So, I don’t know what to do next. I hopefully things resolve and it opens up next month and I can just keep doing the class I originally wanted to take with her.
@seek2bboldwitness I'm looking at Dr. Yin's socialization checklist and my question is; how do we help create positive experiences for our puppies if they are too scared to take treats or play? I'm trying to walk my 11 week old through the neighborhood and he is so terrified. He won't accept treats. He doesn't respond to my happy excited voice when I try to get his attention. The only thing that makes him feel better is going back home. So, how do I make the experience positive?
@detawar567 Mine was terrified too now he loves being outside. But we can only go so far because of shots grrr.

First is the pup cold? When I put myself in his shoes (strange home, away from mom and siblings, etc.) I took a few days to slowly introduce him to the elements. I held him the whole time and gave him time to sniff as I introduced everything to him. Good luck!
@aajjsister He is not cold. I've had him for almost 3 weeks now. I think I will do what you did. I might just hold him as I walk through the neighborhood while he gets used to the new sounds and environment. Thank you!
@detawar567 Good luck! I forgot to mention imagine how small the puppy is and how BIGGGGG the world is to him now that he doesn’t have his litter family to explore with! Today my pup discovered rain with me. I let him feel it on his body very quickly (on to our 14 week shots apt). The he was able to take a nap in the car while it rained ☺️ It night take a few days or maybe one afternoon, but go at his comfort level. With his age I think he’ll be fine! Mine was skiddish at 11 weeks too.

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