Puppy Raising during COVID-19 Information Hub

@anonymous9090 Ours is making a decision today and I'm pretty sure they will close - numbers of clients have dropped. I called them this morning to inform that we'll be keeping ours home since we had possible exposure and now currently in self-quarantine for monitoring symptoms.
@seek2bboldwitness Thank you thank you thank you for this post.

I'm getting my puppy in a couple weeks and I am, needless to say, a bit anxious about socializing with other people and dogs going into this. Going to be leaning on this community a lot.
@seek2bboldwitness Also remember that for most of us outside of the worst-hit areas, social distancing doesn't mean "never go near another person". You can still easily meet up with a friend and their dog for a romp around a safe area, or a nice exploratory walk. Assuming you are outside, neither of you is sick, and you're not hugging each other, the risk is low IMO.
@seek2bboldwitness Adopted a 7 month old husky this month and feeling this lol. All my puppy play dates and classes are canceled...thankfully he is already pretty decently trained so we can manage walking him without classes.

Only problem, his original owner who surrendered him was Taiwanese and taught him all his commands in his native tongue so this dog doesn't know English words for anything lol. Puppy knows sit and lay down but only really does it if he sees me make the hand motion and show him what I mean. He is picking up the words slowly though! I just look forward to when I can actually take him to classes and reaffirm the training he has already had.
@seek2bboldwitness We are due to pick up an 8 week old golden retriever next week. Today's stress has been working out whether there will be any vets who can do the primary vaccinations for him. Looks like we've found one for now but who knows what the situation will be next week. As we'll be keeping him at home with us for the foreseeable future it's not the biggest issue but a related question I have is to do with pet insurance...

The pet insurance we were taking out has the following wording:

"You must ensure that your pet has its annual check-up, a dental check-up every 12 months, and vaccinations so they remain healthy. If you don’t, then claims might be rejected."

Obviously it's likely going forward that a LOT of pet owners won't be able to get these check-ups and vaccinations during COVID-19 - all vets we've spoken to today are on emergencies only but a few have included vaccinations in that for now. Does anyone know how this will affect validity of pet insurance policies? (We're in the UK in case that makes any difference)
@seek2bboldwitness Awesome write-up, thank you. Riding this out with my 9 month old terrier pup. Got food lined up for her and I for the next few weeks. So grateful she only has an accident inside every blue moon. Not much has changed for me, outside of the run on supplies. The lady that walks her everyday is being a trooper and still coming, since I work at a hospital and have to go to work. Stay safe, everyone.
@seek2bboldwitness Thanks for this and following!

My biggest concern at this point related to the puppy is just whether vets will stay open. It'll be challenging to train without classes, but will be a fun challenge with our pup!
@seek2bboldwitness I will be WFH starting next week for the foreseeable future. I'd like to keep my 9-week-old puppy on the same schedule as when I was working away from the house. She was in her crate in the bedroom from 7:45am-11:45am and then 12:45pm-4:30pm. Is it still okay to keep this schedule when I'm still at home but working in a separate room of the house?
@bobby28 Hi! My husband and I have been doing this - we keep our pup in his crate for the same periods we would if we’ve been working away. Although he wined a bit more at first, he’s been napping most of the time (he’s 10 weeks old) and it’s helped keep us focused while working. We have a similar schedule to yours.
@seek2bboldwitness This is great info, thank you! We have a 9 week old labrador that we just got on Saturday and now I'm looking for ways to socialize him without being able to meet new people or go places. Not to mention his 12 week shots will likely be delayed because the vet is only taking emergency appointments right now. It's definitely thrown a wrench into all the plans I had!