Puppy raising x 9-5

@lovefaithhopeinjesus I know what the general rule of thumb is for puppies and potty breaks by age, but my 4.5 month old golden routinely holds her bladder for 6-8 hours voluntarily. She gets potty breaks every 3ish hours (I’m a stay at home parent) but she refuses half the time. She holds it for 10 hours overnight. I think it all depends on the breed and personality.
@813tampa It’s very much dog size dependent. My cousin is an experienced dog owner and she still hasn’t reliably house trained her 2 year old miniature dog and she hates it. I had goldens growing up and I remember a handful of accidents per dog lifetime, mostly due to illnesses.
@813tampa At 14 weeks our dalmation was going 8/9 hours through the night without ever having an accident in her crate. We got her at 13 weeks but they hadn’t really been trained much as they had puppy pads down all over the kitchen (9 puppies was a lot to manage!)
@lovefaithhopeinjesus I've been letting neighbor's puppies out to pee for decades. When my dog was a puppy, I got a puppy pen - hooked it to his crate so it was like a teeny apartment with a yard. When he couldn't hold it, he peed over near the edge and wasn't stuck in a crate full of mess.
@lovefaithhopeinjesus My puppies had either appropriate sized crates or fenced in areas when i was working. Once they were more mature and reliable, they had the run of the house. My opinion was that my dogs had a better life even with that than millions of other dogs. My husband and I would try to get home at lunchtime to walk them but that was difficult. Other people’s judgement is really unimportant. My dogs did fun training, went places with us, were well fed with healthy food, and got lots of love. Think about the alternative if the dog doesn’t find a home. It’s different in my opinion if the dog rarely gets out of the crate when you are home or is chained up outside by themselves. That would not be a good life for man’s best friend.
@lovefaithhopeinjesus I work 7am-330p 6 days a week. I travel 30 minutes to work. So im gone from the house from 630a to 4pm, got my puppy at 6 weeks old and she's 4 months old now and I'm a single puppy parent. She is well taken care of, well loved and happy. She's had all her shots already. And sometimes I feel like I don't have enough time for her, but she loves me like nothing in this world. I feel like she would be devastated if I were to rehome her just bc I work. I live in a rinky dink hole in the wall town where there is no dog walkers available, I do not crate her. I have puppy proofed my room, set up a camera, have a timed feeder, a half gallon waterer, she is pad trained, she alerts me when I'm home(and awake) that she needs to out. I've taught her c'mon, stay, sit, easy, look. She is getting better at those even with distractions. Its exhausting, but she's worth it. And befire everyone comes for me, please understand I wasn't looking for a puppy. I knew I was a busy person. And puppies take time. But my boss came to work one day, said her dog was pregnant, not even 2 weeks later she had 12 puppies, and she had to find homes for them. She had most of them accounted for by the time they were 6 weeks old, but no one wanted this puppy...she kept asking you sure you don't want a puppy...I said no. She showed me a picture, I said I'll pick her up Sunday. She has been the sunshine in this dark place of a world since I got her. So its possible to work full time and have a puppy.