Puppy blues do get better, but man we have our days


New member
I love my good boy, don’t get me wrong. We have a very good schedule figured out & he’s really well exercised and trained.

But today, man. He is 1 year and 1 month old and he pushes me sometimes. We crate during the day but leave him out at night. I woke up this morning to coffee filters shredded and coffee grounds everywhere, because he broke into the cabinets.

I took him for his usual walk & when we get back he would not stop jumping on me. And he’s big, like 105 pounds big, and he hasn’t jumped on anybody in months. Once I got him to stop jumping on me, he started jumping on the Dining room table.

I think he’s big enough where he could go all day without napping, but too young to take a nap when he needs it.

Holy lord I am exhausted today.

good boy tax, because he is a good boy
@ngoc1993 Let it out brother/sister. That's what I've found to be the best solace. Vent and complain to people who can understand and relate, so you can turn around and get back in the game. My guy turns two in a few months and he just chewed up some very expensive clothes in the 30 seconds I wasn't watching him. Good luck and keep at it!
@saimonsz1 My boyfriends parents only ever have GSD and they keep telling us it gets better once they hit two. Like one is a mile stone and they seem better, but two they’re mature and great.
@ngoc1993 Iirc between 12-18 months my boy was a little shit. He was well trained and usually listened but those 6 months were rough. Like he forgot everything he knew one day. No worries though cause eventually they do remember to be good dogs again. Your boy is gorgeous
@joelsasi Omg! Thank you for this comment. My GSD is 13 months and I swear he is well trained but ignores us when he feels like it. It’s good to know it could be a phase. He gets better every day but he definitely has his days.
@ashleyripka I made my boy go back to basics. Oh you "forgot" how to sit? Guess what we're going to be doing So Much now? Lol be patient and keep training through the rebellious phase, you'll be good.
@joelsasi Thanks for the encouragement! My boyfriend travels for work so the last month has been hard adjusting to single dog parenthood.

We had the BEST day yesterday and this morning he was such an ass.

I put him in the crate for an hour, we went on a super long hike, come home & did a bunch of training & now he’s passed out cold.

On the upside, I had a friend come by with his kids and he did great with them.

This morning was just really hard 🤦🏻‍♀️
@ngoc1993 If it helps, when ours is being a little bitch and then does stuff begrudgingly after we correct we go "WHO'S AN ADEQUATE PUPPY? WHO DOES THE BARE MINIMUM? IT'S YOU! YOU'RE AN ADEQUATE PUPPY!"

IDK it's dumb but shit talking the dog helps.
@ngoc1993 I feel like between 12/18 months is the teenage “ima fuck up everything you love” my PIL black lab was a serious mess at that age. Then it’s like something clicked and he’s an okay boy, still has his moments though
@ngoc1993 Oh thank goodness for all of you. I sometimes wonder if I’ve just been doing a terrible job training my 11 mo old mini Schnauzer. He has mastered the art of selective hearing!
@ngoc1993 I hear you. We had a GREAT day today with our 14 month 60lb pit/Dane mix, but it was looooong overdue for us to have a good day. Sometimes even I forget that she’s still a puppy (because I mean come on, she seems freaking enormous.) The bad days make me feel like such a failure, but the good days make me feel like the world’s greatest dog trainer. I try to focus on the good days.
@ngoc1993 You might already know this, but coffee grounds can be toxic and lethal for dogs due to the caffeine. Being so big it would take a lot to do damage I think,can’t remember the exact amount, but just wanted to let you know.

I feel ya on the rough days , had one today with our stubborn mastiff.